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Friday, February 10, 2012

Wagtend.........? / " Waiting in the Shadows..!."

The Idea of Waiting for 'Something' ..... makes it more Exciting..!
Some of us who read these words today could use a little extra hope, especially if you find yourself in a 'waiting mode '.......

As Psalm 27:14 says, 
"Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD."

You were once engaged in the action, being somewhat, quite successful,  'in the trenches', -on the 'front lines'. 
No longer !
All that has changed........ 
Now, for some reason, you're on the proverbial.... 'shelf '.....
Disposed of.... & Becoming obsolete to those........ you once thought ......, just might need you, in their lives....
It's tough to stay encouraged, 'perched on a shelf '. 
Your mind starts playing tricks on you.........
I am tired of........'moving', travelling in a Gypsy avant-garde way, around the globe, in search of the evasive 'opportunity' that are merrily lurking around the next corner.....
Though, 'well-articulated', experienced, and fairly gifted in a variety of fields, you are now Waiting....
You're wondering, and maybe you're getting worried, that this waiting period might be permanent..... Admittedly, your response may not be all that great. 
You can't see any light at the end of the tunnel.

It just doesn't seem fair.... that because of your skin-colour, gender & age you are suddenly worth 'nothing' ?
And that after you have forsaken your 'inherited property' by given it away, for Free....!..? 
The price you've paid, & things you had to let unconditionally go, makes you wonder about the validity of the 'historic' events thereof....
 After all, you've worked/trained hard, you've jumped through hoops, and you've even made (astronomical) & sometimes more than necessary sacrifices.
Discouragement crouches at the door, ready to pounce on any Thought or Hope.........
....... So you sit wondering ' WHY ? God has chosen to pass you by..... 

I want to offer 'us underlings', -some words of 'encouragement ?', (but I need to start with a realistic comment):
..." It may be a long time before God moves you into a place of significant impact. 
He may choose not to reveal His plan for weeks, maybe months.
 Are you ready for this? 
It could even be years....." 

I have found that one of God's favorite methods of preparing us for something great is to send us into the 'shadows to wait'...
But that doesn't mean we are doomed to terminal darkness.
It might just be a case of .......... 
"Waiting is a common instrument
 of providential discipline
 for those to whom exceptional work 
has been appointed."

In short....
Waiting is one of God's preferred methods of preparing special people for significant projects.
The Bible makes that principle plain from cover to cover.

Paul, refused to boast in his giftedness. 
Instead, he confessed, "I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me . . . for when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:9--10). 
That's true humility.
 Incredible perspective. 
He learned to boast in nothing but his own weakness. 
Remember,........ he learned that in the shadows. 
But nobody knew about it. 
His transformation never made the headlines.

Your time of God-ordained waiting will never be all that significant in other people's minds. 
All they may know is that you dropped out of sight. 
You're gone from the scene. 
It may begin with a bankruptcy. 
It may start with a horrible experience you go through, such as a tragic accident of an uncompromising,  devastating divorce. 
You may endure the pain of a torn reputation caused by someone who didn't tell the truth. 
All that devastation has a way of breaking you...... 
The Lord uses the disappointment to lead you to your own Tarsus, (as with Paul)---otherwise known as His waiting room.
 There He begins to work deep within your soul until you, like Paul, gain such a renewed perspective, you can honestly confess, "When I am weak, He is strong." 
When that happens, as it did with Paul, you will be ready to come out of the shadows.....
Paul was now ready. 
Not surprisingly, God then moved.....!


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