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Saturday, January 07, 2012

At the 'end of your rope'........

Imagine for a moment you began an exciting sailing adventure. 
You've been trained to navigate and sail on the ocean and be ready should trouble arise. 
You are confident you can handle the challenge. 
However, midway in the journey your resources have dried up. 
It almost seems God has intentionally destroyed all the skills you have to deal with the weather and the obstacles and your sails are now damaged. 
Even your engine has broken down. 
And to make matters even worse, your oars were lost overboard. 
You are stuck in the middle of the ocean and there is no wind to propel your boat. 
You are, as they say, "up the creek without a paddle / At the end of your rope....."

All of this leads you to the end of yourself and you say, "Lord, I don't know why you brought me out here only to die." 
The silence is deafening..........

Finally, the Lord reveals Himself, "Yes, you are right. 
I did bring you out here. 
I did destroy your sails. 
I did break your engine. 
And yes, I do want you dead. 
.......Not in a physical sense, mind you, but in a spiritual sense. In order that you may LIVE."

"You see my child, you are nothing without Me. 
You cannot do anything without my grace and power in your life." 
The sailor quietly yields. 

Suddenly, a gentle wave lifts the front of the boat. 
An easterly wind blows through the broken sail moving the boat in the right direction. 
You realize God is moving your boat! 
Your role now is to steer it.

Perhaps..... it is 'time to die' in order that He might live through you. 

Give the Lord total control today and you will see His wind moving through your tattered sails.

He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven (Ps 107:29-30).


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