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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Living a Life....... of Permanent Purpose !

Someone said...
"With a little perspective you can live a life of permanent purpose."

When I asked what he meant, the person answered with a question..... 
"Do you sometimes find yourself unconsciously judging your (own) actions by level of importance?"

I frowned a bit, not certain I understood. "For instance," he continued, "the time you spend with friends is important, but the time you spend with family, is more important. 
You might rank an hour fishing as very important, thirty minutes visiting a sick friend in the hospital much more important than the fishing, and a sixty second conversation with a convenience store clerk as not very important at all."

I nodded my understanding and he returned to his initial point. "When you know that everything matters - that every move counts as much as any other - you will begin living a life of permanent purpose. 

A life of permanent purpose will make you a better parent, a better spouse, and a more valuable friend. 
Your productivity and financial success will soar to new heights while the old days of uncertainty, doubt, and depression fade into the past."

Of course, that conversation changed me. 
But even more, it became the guiding force that produced the kind of "me" I have become. You see, I understand fully that my very value as a ' individualistic person' must ultimately be judged by the success one achieves. 
And as I consult with companies , I am keenly aware that much of my client's ability to succeed beyond imagination depends upon my ability to prove this very concept!

When a sales organization sees proof that casual conversations in town matter just as much as an arranged meeting with a major prospect -

When the 'ordinary player' sees proof that his every action on and off the field, whether he plays or not, is as critical to the team's successful season as everything the star of the match does -

When a teenager sees and understands proof that every choice made in leisure today will affect the choices that will be available to him in more pressing times ahead -

When one lives a life of permanent purpose, sales figures soar, team chemistry thrives, and teenage decisions become wiser and more cautious. 
And these are just a few examples of what will happen...
Simply put, when we understand that every action matters, every result of our actions immediately improves!

I know you will find hope and direction for yourself, somehow through reading material from this blog...... 
I am most excited that you will now be equipped to lead others to their own life of permanent purpose! 
My hope for families, our places of worship, our businesses, our nation, and our world is an incredible life of permanent purpose that can be achieved when at last we understand: 
Every move we make and every action we take, matters not just for us, but for all of us...and for all time.

I would like to call it.......
The 'Butterfly-Rippling' effect !


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