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Saturday, June 11, 2011

God of.........every Detail

I am amazed to hear how the Lord uses His Word in the lives of His people......: 
(Numbers 27:12--23; Deuteronomy 34:9)

It may be that some of these words fall on a very hungry heart. 
Perhaps you have been strengthened and encouraged with the thought that you're Very Special' to God, that NONE of His children are insignificant. 
Our heavenly Father cares about areas of your life that would seem insignificant to a 'distant deity! '
He's never too busy to ....
.....hear our hurts;

.....wipe away our tears; 
.....whisper words of encouragement, (knowing......deep within us there's an ache); 
..... put His big shoulder under our load. 

He's the God who cares about the details !
God can meet your need as only He can, & you don't need to worry that you'll be forgotten.  
In fact, you don't need to worry about anything
He is sovereign. 
He has everything under His control. 
He will have His way in His time, for His glory, which includes your life, your position, & your future. 
Worrying over any of that is..... a waste. 
He's got every detail covered---every one.
Think of it this way: there's no such thing as God's being almost sovereign....!


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