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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Courage.........for the days to come, the end of the month, the next day....

Courage .......
....doesn't always have to 'roar' like a storming lion on the charge...... can be as simple as saying: "I'll try again ...& again ...& again....
.......... tomorrow!

Dis veral 'broodnodig' waar wanneer 'n mens poot-uit & moedeloos op 'n hopie wil gaan sit & grens tot jy doodgaan, sonder om presies meer te weet waaroor presies die moedeloosheid is .......... wéét ons elk instinktief, -diep binnekant ........ons kán.....tenspyte van die menige odds wat ons tans in wil versmoor.

Dis dan wanneer die aspek van onwrikbare Geloof in 'n Almagtige God groter as ék of jý, die verskil maak !
Die wéte dat Hy wél omgee; ons Liefhet tenspyte van die realiteit van die huidige omstandighede & liefdeloosheid wat ons in 'optredes' van elk ander as medemense ervaar....
Gelukkig is ons, -wat  " 'n God met 'n Plan het..." !

Be strong and courageous! Don't be afraid or discouraged...for there is a power far greater on our side! We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!" - 2 Chron 32:7-8 

You are NOT defined by 'this'  catastrophic moment in time, amidst this storm that are raging around you...
Neither does your history define your future.......... only the 'way'in which you choose to respond to the 'presence of Now', & what you 'decide as result of your response', -has got a bearing on the probability of what might follow............. nothing else  (except the Hand of the ONLY Living God: Jesus Christ !)

Nor is Being Courageous, the absence of Fear, -either, (of a multitude of things that might happen or not....), BUT 
..a Powerful CHOICE we make to:
- move forward, in-spite of the odds;
- with Purpose & Joy regardless what it takes......
- NEVER giving-up Hope (as long as you are still actively breathing)
Daar staan geskrywe..."....wees  in ALLES Dankbaar" (nie VIR ALLES nie) !

Enduring Power-to-cope; hope for EVERYday is only to be found in Jesus. (Read Phil 4:4~7)
"......Verbly julle ALTYD-innie-Here; ek herhaal: Verbly julle!....." ens...

Courage is NOT the 'towering oak' that sees storms come and go, it is (rather) the "fragile blossom" that dares to open in the snow.....
How true that is! 

God often builds our courage the most by giving us (only but)  glimmers of hope in dark times.

On the other end of the spectrum....
Allow yourself (I mean, -give yourself 'Permission'), -to be sad; to feel disappointed  & to cry "snot & trane", if you desire to do so ( NOT worrying about make-up, or WHAT the people might say)!
Through this 'action' you 'empower yourself ' in Faith; focusing on the "good" that might be available in the situation (1/2 full vs 1/2 empty) rather than the bad....; -leaving the outcome thereof ONLY in the Hands of the Lord Almighty! 


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