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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Attempting...trying to..............Achieve;.....Reaching Goals

I would rather .......
stumble a 100 times attempting to reach a goal........, than to 
sit in a crowd, on a pavilion, on my 'weather-proof cushion',
-as a shriveled and satisfied self-righteous soul........

I would rather .......
be on the playing-field, -doing and daring most of my error-filled days, than........
.......watching, &

.... waiting, &
.. dying

I would rather .......

....wonder & blunder, whilst sometimes mistakenly in 'own power' stumbling blindly ahead
 -for own safety's sake,
 (hoping in vain, not to make a mistake), whilst...... 
-Be emotionally sure, 
-be materialistically safe, 
-be Spiritually dead........


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