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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Happiness........ equals Satisfaction divided by Desires !

Happiness equals Satisfaction divided by Desires

So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. (1 Tim 6:8 NLT)
 When you have read the Bible........., 
-you will know it is the Word of God, because you will have found it, as the key to your own heart, your own happiness and your duty..... 

Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Matthew 7:24

When the late Queen Victoria was asked the secret of England's greatness, she took down a copy of the Scriptures, and pointing to the Bible, she said:
 "That Book explains the power of Great Britain."  
Daniel Webster once affirmed: 
"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper." 
These great leaders truly believed that the only sure foundation of a nation's belief and practice was God's Word.


There are plenty of wise books on history's shelf, some of which offer unintentional wisdom and examples of what NOT to do. 

But the wisdom of the Bible teaches us NOT ONLY to order our earthly lives for maximum gains, but how to align our hearts and spirit with the Almighty God
And that's wisdom of eternal value. 

Perhaps the people of South Africa could learn from this, & 'turn back to God' & submit themselves in Obedience, to their covenant's that have been made between man & God !
Only then, as per the Chapters of the books of Jeremiah & Ezekiel, God 'might have Mercy' upon us......  
I refer specifically to :
1. The Day of Covenant (as a Christian nation) of 16 December (since 1838), that has NOT been upheld by 'most' so-called Christian believers, which have an ancestral heritage-bond from/within SA.
2. The Covenant of Marriage between a Man, his Wife & God, that is being degraded to a 'contractual issue of the human court' that are without effort ( but with tragic consequences), cancelled & walked away from....!
3. The undertaking to raise our children in the 'Ways of the Lord', are ignored by most....
4. The up-keeping of the 10 Commandments 
5. Numerous 'Instructions-for-Daily Living' that we are given, with promises of Reward (e.g. Forgiveness....... Prayer, etc. etc. )
Whatever the reasons for....... -NOT doing the above (according to the instructions of Almighty God, the Creator of Heaven & Earth......), is immaterial; considering that it was 'A FREE -Choice' each one, made & has to answer for him/herself.
It is ALL about a 'Willingness-to-Obedience' whether we failing several times or not......
The Words of God are truly a firm foundation for nations. 
And for our lives.
Can YOU truly say that of your own Life.... ?
May God through Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit Mercifully grant us the Grace to gain the Insight in this matter of Eternal consequence, to build my Life ( & for you, -to built YOURS,) upon these infallible Criteria.....& Live the 'wisdom of knowledge-in-practice' embedded in the Bible through & in our Life's...!
........that WILL result in Happiness; Joyful-deeply-seated, ....Everlasting !

 Shalom .........& Maranatha

1 comment:

TheProfesor said...

Mu brother drilled into me years ago. I think logistically so I understand it completely .