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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Money.......... in exchange for your Friend; Once Loved-one; Soul... Perhaps ?

In Fiddler on the Roof, a poor man sings of his daydreams of the wonderful life he'd have if he were a rich man. 
And surely it would be better. 
As someone once said, 
"I've been poor and I've been rich. Rich is better."

...I tend to disagree with this, because........
Being rich ONLY provide you with more options / choices.
It DOESN't grant you the privilege of being a puffed-up chip-on-the-shoulder, nose-in-the air, don't need-you-anymore, better-than-you Snob !
Especially the typical White Afrikaans-speaking male/female, step time & time again into this self-rightousness "Pothole of Pride"

Yet the Biblical warning that "Love of money is the root of all [kinds of] evil" reminds us to be aware of the difference between need and greed.....
It's one thing to make money a central goal to escape poverty and provide for basic necessities. It's quite another when money becomes our primary motivation and measure of success, or when we equate happiness or worthiness with wealth.
The love of money can have a powerful narcotic effect on our values. 
It can push us toward or keep us in unhealthy relationships and unsatisfying careers. 
It can lead us to undervalue the importance of relationships and work. 
The desire for money can make us into workaholics who neglect family and friends. 
........And it can spawn dishonorable conduct that pollutes our souls and makes us unworthy despite our net worth.
 "One who thinks money can do everything is likely to do anything to get it."
 "The money you have can give you freedom, but the money you pursue enslaves you."


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