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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Faith...... that causes MIRACLES (to the contrary of ALL Human possibility)

My Dear ..........Reader -
I would very much like you to consider the following with a teachable & 'open mind'......
While reading, 
..........Please focus on, -coming in-touch with the desperate needs of YOUR OWN 'aching' heart.......  
Listen (with sensitive awareness) what the Lord is prompting you to do what & when about it ?
Then Pray with zest.........about it/for it........... & believe with unwavering Faith in Lord of Heaven & Earth (Jesus Christ) that not only can BUT will enable the successful outcome thereof the His' Glory!
Then Go out with Faith
....... &  DO IT !

X is a businessman who was flying overseas a few years ago. 
He had just completed a long trip and settled into his seat for a quiet return trip when the man next to him began to start up a conversation. 
X politely conversed with the man hoping it would be a brief conversation so he could rest. However, as time went on, the man began to ask more and more questions. 
Strangely, he seemed to be "looking for something" by the nature of his questions. 
Finally, the conversation turned to family and the subject of babies came up. 
confided in the man that his daughter had been seeking to become pregnant for years without success.
The man turned to X and said:
 "That's it! I knew there was something the Lord wanted me to press in on with you, but until you said that, I was searching and searching." 
(X did not even realize the man was a believer until that moment. )
"This may sound strange to you but God has given me a strange kind of gift to help barren women become pregnant. 
Whenever I pray for women, they get pregnant. 
May I ask you to do something rather unusual?" 
X continued to listen before committing to anything..........
"I would like us to pray over this handkerchief. 
When you get back to your daughter I would like you to lay this handkerchief on your daughters belly and pray over it." 
X was a bit taken back by the thought, but he had seen more unusual things than this in his travels.
H returned home and a short time later arranged a time for his daughter to come by the house. 
X felt very awkward, as he 'imagined' others would think this was foolishness. Nevertheless, X proceeded to explain what had happened and they laid the handkerchief on his daughter's belly and prayed.
A few weeks passed and X received a phone call from his daughter. 
"Dad, you will never guess what has happened. 
I am pregnant!" 
she exclaimed.....

This is a TRUE statement of facts that actually happened !
What is there in YOUR Life that requires a God-given miracle like this...?
Replace "X" ....with YOUR NAME........
Reread the 'story'
Is there any remote possibility, -that 'ANY such-like miracle' that had happened in X's family could also happen in YOURs ?
......if it is the Will of God ?     [ Yes / No ]
You know.........the REAL ANSWER ......
Have a willingness to believe........
'OBEY' the 'Word-to-Believe'...
in FAITH -with ALL of your HEART !
& DO it !

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength" (1 Cor. 1:25).


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