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Friday, June 18, 2010


Consider the postage stamp...... 
Its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.

You haven't run a marathon until you cross the finish line !
You haven't really read a new novel until you turn the last page. 
You aren't actually married until you exchange vows and the minister declares you husband and wife. 
You aren't an inventor until you dust off the blueprints you sketched on the back of a napkin and build something.

Throughout the Bible, one of the key themes is finishing strong
Paul ran the race of life to win - even though it meant martyrdom. He was not alone...
Of the original apostles, only John died of natural causes. 
But even he was exiled because of his faith.

Are you as good at finishing as you are at starting? 
Not every endeavor we start requires our follow-through. 
Some things don't matter that much. 
But faith is not one of them.
We may never face physical persecution for our Lord's sake, but each one of us has been called to walk with God, not just for a season, but for all our days. 
Look to God for hope and strength on your spiritual journey.
Stand firm till the end of our/your days.....


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