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Saturday, January 09, 2010

To Live by Faith...NOT by Sight !

To really Live by Faith is .....
-to walk with God;
-to cling to Him; 
-to lean on Him; 
-to draw from His exhaustless Life-giving Fountain; 
-to find all our resources in Him; 
-to have Him as a perfect covering for our eyes 
-to have Him as a satisfying object for our hearts
-to know Him as our only resource in all difficulties, and in our trials.

Such is the life of faith.....

It must be a Reality or Nothing at all. 
It will not do to talk, -about the life of faith........; 
-we must live it; 
-and in order to live it,
-we must know God practically
-know Him intimately, in the deep 'secret of our own souls'.

It is utterly vain and delusive to profess to be living by faith and looking to the Lord, while in reality our hearts are looking to some 'human creature' resource....!

How often do someone speak and write about their 'dependence upon God', -to meet certain wants, and by the very fact of 'their making it known to a fellow-mortal',  they are, in principle,.......... departing from the life of faith!

Faith is a living, bold trust in God’s Grace........
so certain of God’s favor -that it would risk death, trusting in it. 
Such confidence and knowledge of God’s Grace makes you ...
and Bold 
in your relationship to God and all creatures.

For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
Romans 1:17

1 comment:

Louise Nieder-Heitmann said...

And so we grow on a daily basis to trust Him for all our needs - to live by faith. What a blessing that we have a Father who is gracious. "n Vader wat nooit moeg word en wat ons in alle omstandighede kan vertrou. Wat ons liefhet soos ons is en ons nooit verwerp of teleustel. Wat 'n voorreg om Hom te ken en deur Hom bemin te word. God help me to only trust you and have a faith in You that is unshakable even in the times when the storms are around me and people disappoint us. Bless my brothers and sisters in Christ and teach them to fully depend on You for all their needs - physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, in their relationships and in pursued of their life purpose on earth. Shalom