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Monday, December 21, 2009

Seeking, -His' ......Face?

So often, we view others for 'what' they can DO-for-US (me), -instead of.....
'Who' they are ! 

There is a difference between being a servant or vs being a much-valued friend.
There is a difference between being an employee vs being a son.

Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. - Deuteronomy 34:10
One of the great differences between Moses and any other character in the Bible is how God describes Moses......

* Moses was a friend of God ! 
* Moses met God face to face !

"The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend" (Ex. 33:11a). 

Do you seek God's face....?

Vice versa....../ OR

Do you find that you spend more time seeking His hand? 
God wants us to seek Him for our every need. 

However, there is a higher calling for every believer: That is....
* To seek God's Face 
* To see Him for His Love and Tenderness ..........toward us, -as His Beloved children.
He can provide for........ our physical needs, BUT when we see Him Face to face, we are changed. We then no longer see Him as one 'to be feared' as much as one 'to know intimately'.
We no longer view Him for what He 'can give to us', but for what He 'already has given for us'.
When we see Jesus Face to face, we are no longer slaves, -but friends. 

We do not fear Him as a slave fears his master. 
We have entered a new kind of relationship-a relationship that has mutual respect and care.


Jesus might just be calling you ......... To Seek His face, not just His hand. 
When you seek His face, you will know His provision and His mercy  & Grace in ALL aspects of life.

Seek His face today and become an Intimate Friend of God.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently had an amazing opportunity to sit on God's lap and touch His face and speak to him face to face. The most beautiful Christmas gift imaginable... The message I came back with is: "Lighten up!" Life is not so much an obstacle course or stern University as a wonderful Easter Egg hunt. God loves us so much, we are safe in His hands and His intention for us is to become as much as He intended us to be when He created us. For some, there is a soccerball to find, for others, a 5,000 piece puzzle, but He gives us all what we need, when we need it. Sometimes we need a tap on the shoulder to change direction if we are looking in the wrong places, the more stubborn ones might need a kick in the butt, but even if it hurts at times, it is meant for our benefit. Open your eyes to see the clues and messages God is giving us every day to bring us closer to the treasures He has hidden for us, sometimes in profound happenings like a Close Encounter, or sometimes in a subtle way like an unexpected cool breeze on a warm day... We are loved, we are safe and we are never alone.