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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Monogamous Faithful HUMAN Relationships....between Woman & Man ?

In nature....... 
Tigers are not monogamous animals....
Both male and female tigers have several mates over their lifetime.
(Even when you call a person a tiger, monogamous is not what comes to mind....!)

What is one of the few inherently monogamous mammals?
Oddly enough, it is the wolf.
Wolves mate for life and remain faithful to their life mate.
(A wolf is often what a man is called who chases after women but the name is a total misnomer.... )
It is the wolf that is faithful.
.......Often we get things totally backwards.... like 'Basics of Relationships' 
I am not going to sit in judgment about others, because I have not walked in many of their shoes & being in their circumstances....... 
I have been (as so the case with many other unfortunate 'faithful spouses' ) in very 'enticing situations', in the past when I was still 'happily' married.....
On many occasions, back then, I have been presented with the 'opportunity' to break my marriage vows by being unfaithful to my (now former) wife......
I am humble (but happy) to say that I have NEVER cheated once in 19 years of married life because of 3-things:
1. I was in a Covenant with GOD and my wife.
2. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things love never fails.
3. I CHOOSE to remain faithful to my wife. 
I believe reason number three to be the most powerful faculty that GOD has endowed us with but we use it so 'badly'......  
(To "Choose" in this instance is......... A rational, logical 'cold-blooded'-decision that MUST be taken (by either married man or woman) about 'what' to do/say 'when' you are to be in 'such a enticing situation'.........! )
I am not perfect ! 
I am just a 'person' who Believes and Trusts that what GOD said I can do...., "I can do according to the power that works inside of me....."
What about you...?


Anonymous said...

Talking about Tiger Woods??

Anonymous said...

First seek out God and find your security there. Once you know who you are and what you want, find your mate and cherish him/her with all your heart. Stay faithful to maintain trust, without which no relationship can survive. Love is not about quantity (of mates) but about quality. For me, the most wonderful thing is seeing a couple who grew old together and are still in love. What an achievement to be able to hold on to love in our modern society which treats people as if they were disposable, and moral values as if they were old-fashioned.

Louise said...

I agree with the second comment. I was fortunate enough to see it in my parents and grandparents. I trust God to have it in my next marriage. Unity and love that comes form a deep relationship with God and each other. A rope with three strands are not easily broken.