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Saturday, December 05, 2009

Faithfullness.......most probably WILL lead to 'Elevation'

Joshua....... had been a Faithful number two man (2 I/C), -under Moses for 80 years.....

Can you imagine serving one man for 80 years?

Now that is faithfulness!
Can you imagine being married to one another for 50+ years? ....& be Faithful ?  

[ Without Faithfulness...there is NO Trust.....NO relationship...! ! ]

Even so, when the time came to pass the mantel to Joshua....., -God knew he needed to be 'elevated in the eyes of the people' in order for 'Joshua to accomplish his purpose'.

That is the 'Purpose of Elevation ?
..................So that you and I can fulfill our 'purpose' and our 'mission'.

What has YOUR......
'purpose' being .....?
'mission' being down here.....? 

...........-for the past couple of years ?
Contemplate about it.....-if you please?

We are NOT called to elevate ourselves.....that's born out of 'Pride'
If we elevate ourselves before our time we will 'short circuit' 'God's Plans' for our Lives.!
We will not have the same level of 'Grace' as we would have if it were in 'God's Perfect Timing'.......
Moving into a Job or Responsibility or Relationship...... -before we might be 'Ready in God's Eyes'....
That.......would be a Formula for failure.
We may not be 'Mature' enough.....
We may not have the 'Proper skill set'....
We may be so 'full of ourselves' due to pride & envy manifested in ego-centric behavior towards others, that "I me & myself" are the 'most used words' in our 'incomplete vocabulary'.....
We may 1st need to go through a 'Series of Life changing Valley's' (see previous 'Blogs')

We need to wait upon Conformation from 'God'

....but How?
....When should we know it is the 'Right time'?......
(See next couple of 'blogs'....still to be 'penned-down')

Let God elevate you in His Timing and you will be successful in the thing He created you to be and do.

And the Lord said to Joshua, "This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. (Josh 3:7-8).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I feel like Saint Anthony who asked God to grant him patience, right away!