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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas .............2009

On a Daily basis..... Life can get pretty harsh....

-We can’t see....... exactly where we’re going;
-We face formidable obstacles in all facets of Life!

But just as the star shone down over Bethlehem that night, a 'Beacon of Hope' shines over our own lives..... especially Today, Christmas.

It's all because of the Baby in the manger. 
With the birth of Jesus came the promise that:
* God is 'with us', 
* ......for us, 
* ......willing to do whatever it takes 'to save' us.

If we could (with all due respect), condense all the 'Truths of Christmas' into only three words........these I would consider to be the words: 
“God with us.” 
We tend to focus our attention at Christmas ONLY on the 'Infancy of Christ'. 
The Greater Truth rather is:  His' Deity, -that is more astonishing than only a 'baby in a manger' ,because......
We are offered Abundant Hope in Jesus Christ; -as THIS Promised baby, IS the Omnipotent Omnipresent Creator of the Heavens and the Earth!

So......! No matter what happens around us......
We DO have the comfort of the Angels proclaiming:
“Peace on earth and Good will toward men.”
....and 'The Knowledge' : 
God is STILL in Control, despite our 'whatever' circumstances !

What about YOU.... ?

- Remembering that the best things in Life aren't things. The best present to give the ones you love is your presence
- Giving and Receiving the 'warm feelings' and Acts of Kindness, Love, Hope, Harmony and Peace....
- Taking some time with your Family and Friends and 'Share your Blessings', Achievements and Testimonies from this past year....
- Being around laughter and Good Food, that is also.... Healing!
- Not allowing 'excuses' (i.e., family grudges; my house needs this or that.....; I need ......; I don't have enough ......;) to keep you from asking forgiveness from those you've offended in the past and enjoying family and friends NOW!

How do I wish......... I could have spent time with YOU ....This Christmas!
Blessed Christmas

Hendrik Jordaan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have spent Christmas with you, too... But thanks to Moose Chronicles, I did. You are always in my thoughts and my heart. I am so proud of you, staying positive and True in spite of life which has a crazy habit of happening while you're busy planning other things. DT