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Friday, October 30, 2009

My weakness ...A prerequisite to God's Strength

The ONLY way of me Serving God with any amount of success, and for doing God’s work well and triumphantly, is an acknowledgment of MY own weakness.....

If I am 'prideful' strong in my own might, whenever I boast, defeat is not far off in the distance. God will NOT go with me whenever I march in my own strength. If I would assume success, in such a condition, I have misjudged the 'system of reward' of the Lord, for “it is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit”
If I am to 'Serve God' I must serve him in His' own way, and in His' strength, or He will never accept my service / ( or any other sacrifice).
That which I would do, unaided by divine strength, God can never own. I will only Reap that corn produce from the Seed of which was sown from Heaven; Watered by Grace; and Ripened by the sun of Divine Unconditional Love. The river of God is full of water; but not one drop of it flows from earthly springs.
God will have NO strength used in his battles but the strength which he himself imparts.
Am I mourning much over my own weaknesses......?
Take courage, for there must be a Spiritual consciousness of MY weakness before the Lord will give me victory ! My emptiness is but the preparation for being filled, the making ready for your lifting up, by the Grace of God.

ONLY When I am weak then am I actually strong (in the Lord),
Grace is my shield
Christ my song.......


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