Embrace & internalize every Blessing....Big or small, -in order to 'Pass-it' ..on, -to others !
What a simple but powerful truth....!
When you bless another ....... you cannot help but be blessed yourself.!
We’ve all experienced this amazing dynamic—but all of us have also missed out on obvious opportunities to put it in practice.
I know I have.........
Maybe it is the pace of everyday life; maybe I get preoccupied;
maybe we wonder how someone will respond when we reach out with a word or gesture of encouragement.
Today, we are reminded to bless and be blessed.
..........and to make sure you don’t miss out on the personal joy and enrichment that comes from blessing others....
Impressions ....to Ponder on? These 'writings'represent the "person behind the eyes" These are merely 'Glimpses in my Soul' of some of the things I do treasure, & care for.... Breathings of my Heart..' Die oorsprong hiervan kom uit 'n verskeidenheid van bronne. Enersyds is dit herinneringe oor 'wat belangrik is', -vir eie gebruik. Andersyds kan andere wat dit van waarde vind ook dit hulle s'n maak.Type TOPIC in, -below at "Search"
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