Emotions have no intellect.
Because they have no intellect, they cannot analyze whether the scene in your mind is something that is actually happening or is something you conjured up in your imagination. They simply respond because God designed them that way.
Emotions cannot discern the difference between the past, present, or future. You can only feel something in the present. You cannot feel something yesterday. You can’t feel something tomorrow. It is not here yet. The only time you can feel something is right now. You may be dwelling on something that happened yesterday. Or you may be thinking about what might happen tomorrow. Your emotions cannot discern the difference. They respond as if it were happening today.
If emotions cannot be trusted, then what is the answer?
That’s simple. Jesus said, “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
Therefore, we must see our circumstances from God’s perspective and not our own.
And the only way to do this is to have our minds renewed by His Word.
Impressions ....to Ponder on? These 'writings'represent the "person behind the eyes" These are merely 'Glimpses in my Soul' of some of the things I do treasure, & care for.... Breathings of my Heart..' Die oorsprong hiervan kom uit 'n verskeidenheid van bronne. Enersyds is dit herinneringe oor 'wat belangrik is', -vir eie gebruik. Andersyds kan andere wat dit van waarde vind ook dit hulle s'n maak.Type TOPIC in, -below at "Search"
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