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Friday, December 16, 2016

Life's Lessons Learned ... in Retrospect, -Preconditions to more successful Accountability

It does NOT mean you 'ignore' what you might be up against...!

Paying more attention to the 'Presence of Now'....
The biggest problem with us, humans, is that we seldom pay adequate attention to 'now' 

Studies show that human mind wanders more than 50% of the time. 
When we are not paying 'adequate' attention to a certain situation, our reflexes take over & 
that’s consequently how we 'instinctively' respond to a 'given' situation. 
This can be the reason behind some of the biggest mistakes we make in our life....

Listen, before you speak
Active listening is a rare habit. 
As a person working in a team this can be your biggest strength....! 
Decisions, comments & statements, when made in haste.... are often regrettable. 
The worst part is you cannot change it, -once made! 
So, wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t make them in the first place....?
That’s where active listening becomes a true virtue for a 'professional' 
If you practice 'active listening', you can realize the impact of remarks you are going to make. 
So, you can avoid any uncomfortable circumstance from

'Stop', 'Think' and ONLY thereafter ...'Act' !
Life is all about making new starts.... 
But, amid all these starts in life we must not forget about stopping ! 
Sometimes it becomes important to stop and realize 'what' we are doing /about to do !. 
When you stop, you are giving yourself some time to think before reacting 'impulsively' to a situation. 
Become more self aware by asking : "Why am I 'really' feeling /responding this way...?" 

Focused Meditative Effort
Breaking a habit is bad...... 
We acquire some reflex actions as a result of our encounters with certain situations in life. To change them, you need to develop 'control over your mind' 
The best way to do so is to practice 'meditation' 
It brings your mind to a state of peace. 
A peaceful mind is powerful than the strongest weapon you can ever think of.
When your mind's at peace, you can control the way you react to a situation. 
The concept of an increased 'Self-Awareness'.
By being aware of your mental state you can control your reactions to awkward situations. You can stop yourself from making the wrong decisions. 
Becoming self aware can help you to be successful in personal as well as professional life. 

When you are making less mistakes and taking less wrong decisions, you are aligning you increasingly more towards the never-ending Journey to .................................................'Being-an-improved-Version-of-YourSelf ' !

Shalom & ......Maranatha

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