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Thursday, December 02, 2010

A Letter ...from God......about Love, -the Human Type....

........if God would ever write a Letter to us (humans); explaining in comprehensible earthly 'terminology' the fragile concept of Human Love, -I (subjectively) perceive, it might be 'Something'.......along the following lines...
My Dear Child....
“Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone; to have a deep, soul relationship with another person; to be loved thoroughly and exclusively.... (Ek wéét dis'n 'bekvol'..., maar dit IS moontlik.........Geloofd My..!) 
I know the desires of your heart, and they are ....NOT wrong. 
But......... I want you to know that until you can be fulfilled in life, being loved by Me alone, and until you discover that only in Me will you find complete satisfaction, you will not be capable of the perfect human relationship........ I have planned for you. 
There IS a perfect love that I have planned for you, but you will never be truly united with another until you are united with Me. ( an unwaivering precondition!)
I have a plan for your life, ...........a plan so wonderful, even you can’t imagine it.....! 
(I have 'designed you' that way; to be optimal / your best ONLY under 'certain Conditions'.... 
I want you to have the best, but you must let Me bring it to you. 
Stop planning..... 
Stop wishing.........
....... just allow me to show you My My....Time, on My Terms, subject to the aforementioned & following conditions, -as it is also stipulated in ....My Word: The Bible! 
Keep watching expectantly, and keep walking in My love, experiencing the satisfaction found only in Me. 
Be patient and listen to the things I tell you
Learn to be strong in your Love for Me;  -so that when others fail you, -you will NOT be destroyed. (I know this is especially difficult for you, whereas this might not be the 1st time, it has happened.....or the last time, it will happen to you....)
Don’t be envious of the things that I have given to others. 
Keep your eyes upon Me, OR you’ll be misled & miss the things I want to show you..... 
Then ..! 
.......when the right moment comes, I’ll surprise you with a Love far more wonderful than you could have ever imagined!
You see........, I am working so that the two of you are ready at the same time, when both of you are satisfied exclusively with Me, then you will be able to experience the kind of caring, accepting, forgiving love that exemplifies My love for you. This is Perfect Love! 
My dear child........., I want so much for you to experience this most wonderful love, even NOW !..... (whilst STILL 'below'...)
....... one day you will see 'in the flesh' a picture of my love for you......& you WILL just know... day you will enjoy the everlasting beauty of unconditional love with, one another.
If you WOULD ONLY  Trust Me....wholeheartedly & unconditionally!
I am with YOU...always, -though just a Prayer away; make use of it, it's Precious talking with YOU...........& FREE! "

Signed:  Your Heavenly Father


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