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Saturday, February 06, 2010

LOVE ...THE 'UNLOVABLES'......... with the Love of Christ ....

Every Living 'creature' has been blessed by God with a way to protect itself.

When a sand particle gets inside the oyster’s shell, for example, that tiny abrasive becomes life-threatening to the oyster due to its soft, porous tissue.
But the oyster secretes an essence from its own life to create a pearl from the grain of sand.

What would happen if we, like the oyster, didn’t try to discard the abrasive and unlovable people from our lives—even when we feel threatened—but rather welcomed them as opportunities for God’s love to create something beautiful inside us?

You,...being one of the Perfect ones....
Me, ...being one of the many 'unlovable' ones.....

Bothersome/abrasive non-perfect people might need you to help them experience God’s new life.

Please be 'patient' with our unlovable traits; they are many......... 
We, ...the imperfect ones,(in spite of our many flaws), DO need your love more desperately than you ever could imagine..!
Likewise, you might need them to develop our patience and godly love....
So,..... don’t automatically expel difficult people from your life; ask God to help you turn an annoyance into a pearl.
Allow God to work in my/our life through any circumstances, even the unpleasant ones. 
Allow God to Teach us to love with His' Love.....


Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:12–13

SHALOM .......

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