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Saturday, November 21, 2009

GoD and DoG Thoughts....... - A 'simple song' of Unconditional Love & Permanent Forgiveness !

"Click Here" to watch the Video, -before reading the explanation.....
(Please Turn-up the Sound) 

"I look up and I see GoD"
The one thing that 'amaze' me about this line is..
- I don't really think of God as being "up" in a directional
- He's everywhere and even inside people who invite Him
to be there.
But he's a higher being, so in that way, when you....
-look up in your heart;
-when you think about better things; you ultimately conclude:
God is "up there" least I do.

"I look down and see my dog."
I hope that the first two lines of the song convey that
people are in the middle,
between two kinds of 'sincere devotion'.

"Simple spelling G O D, Same word backwards, D O G."
In the English language, this is an amusing reality.
It doesn't hold true for other languages,
but is simply one of those linguistic coincidences
that poets capitalize on.
It just happens that the inverted spelling of these two words
-fits the song beautifully.
I don't believe there is any 'special' signifigance in this,
but when we meet God in person,
-it will be an interesting topic..........

"They would stay with me all day."
The main reason the words were written about God and Dog
is that much of organized religion has portrayed
God as someone 'He is NOT'.
I believe He has a love for ALL people;
that He knows us deeply....
& He yearns for a relationship with every one of us....

"I'm the one who walks away."
Everytime I leave my dog to go do something "important",
he gives me a look that says:
"I wish I could be with you".
Many people believe they have failed God and that
God has left them....
That's because we don't realize how BIG God's forgiveness is.
How silly to think that the cummulative mistakes of any person
could outweigh the forgiveness of the God
of the universe.

"But both of them just wait for me and dance at my 
return with glee."
My dog has a party when I return even if I have been gone only
10 minutes.
The prodigal son left home and squandered everything
his father had given him.
The father didn't follow his son and hurl judgements and insults.
He just waited......
When his son returned, the dad didn't say a thing about
what his son had done.
He was so thrilled to have him back that he threw a big party.

"Both love me no matter what, divine God and canine mutt. "
We know how forgiving our dogs are.
Their relationship to us is NOT based on a scorecard.
Well many people think that God loves you based on
how good you are.
If this were true then it would be impossible to have an
'authentic friendship' with him.
We would all either be intolerably proud, or
we'd be disfuctionally humiliated.
This is why dead religion is often made of
intolerably proud people telling
'dysfunctional humiliated people' what to do......

"I take it hard each time I fail but God forgives, Dog wags his tail".
What Jesus did was supposed to be a gift, not a guilt trip.
If you don't believe that God's forgiveness is a huge aspect of
who He IS,
-you won't be able to forgive yourself... or anybody else either.
God "remembers our sins no more".

"God thought up and made the dog, dog reflects a part of God".
I don't think of dogs as gods....
I don't think that every dog is a total picture of God.
I 'know' that darwinism (or most anything that ends with "ism")
-is NOT the answer.

But however the details were done....
I Believe God expressed himself in the things we see around us.

"I've seen love from both sides now, it's everywhere, 
bow wow."
When I treat my animals with respect, I gain a relational trust
-that is one of the most rewarding things in life.
I think God encoded his entire creation with this truth
-that when you love another being
and give it room to be itself, you lift it's head, you draw it out,
and you earn it's love.
When you force and control an animal, something deep inside it
retreats and you miss out.
Do that enough and your life becomes silent, lonely, and cold.
It's the same with our relationships to each other.
When people control people, something deep in the spirit
retreats and goes cold......,
physical health begins to decline,
things unravel.

Some people think that God is a manipulator and a controller.
To me it looks like God created this universe to flourish
in the presence of:
Love and Freedom.
True love is a result of the gift of freedom, it cannot be forced.
God has shown in his creation, that love brings health and life.
He is the originator of these things and these things reflect
who He is.
In my life I have seen miracles
like crippled bones straightening out before my eyes after prayer...
-but that is not why I believe in God.
I believe there is a God because I see the results of
love and freedom,
the results of control and manipulation on people and animals.
I am convinced He is there ........
because the essence of 'this song' is repeating itself over and over
all throughout creation.

"I look up and I see God, I look down and see my dog
And in my human frailty, I can't match their love for me."

This is the humbling part.
GoD and DoG love me unwaveringly and I can't match it.
But I am learning...

Other thoughts...
I had been told by some that is isn't right to compare God to a dog.
But Jesus said that he wanted to gather people like
a hen gathers her chicks.
I have a hen with chicks at the moment and she is
so gentle and dedicated.
It is a beautiful analogy.
So I figure it's ok to point to the enthusiastic devotion of
a dog and comment that
God is at least that enthusiastic about us... and much more.
Dogs are tangible and Jesus used comparatives
to many tangible things
to try and illustrate what God was like.

I had someone say this song was blasphemy.
Oh well. Ya can't please everybody.
I think people who have really loved a dog or
any animal will understand the song
and those who have not........... simply need to
walk a few more miles.......

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