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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Love...A Fail-free Alternative.


Love will never end. 

But all those gifts will come to an end—even the gift of prophecy, the gift of speaking in different kinds of languages, and the gift of knowledge ... these three things continue: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

We have an amazing capacity, you and I, to focus on things that in the long run simply won’t matter. 

And if they won’t matter in the long run, you have to ask yourself, should they really to me matter now?

I know somebody, whose wife, once their children were able to comprehend, informed him that he should be leaving. 

She wanted a fresh start with somebody else...

As he was packing up his belonings, putting some of these things that had mattered so much to him, it was gut-wrenching. 

But somebody gave him some sage advice when mentioning: “It’s only stuff.”

Have you ever stopped to think about how heavily invested you might be in things that don’t really matter, that won’t last: career, abilities, reputation … stuff … when there’s one thing that we all too often neglect and allow to fall by the wayside that’ll outlast them all.

1 Corinthians 13:8,13 Love will never end. But all those gifts will come to an end—even the gift of prophecy, the gift of speaking in different kinds of languages, and the gift of knowledge … these three things continue: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

As you navigate your way through life toward your ultimate destiny, let me implore you not to focus on the temporal at the expense of the eternal; not to allow the greatest to be crowded out by the least; not to allow love to be displaced by stuff...

Because all those other things will come to an end. 

But love, the greatest of all things, will never end. 

Live a life of love.

This’ God’s Word... 

Fresh … for you … 



Thursday, January 25, 2024

Seisoene van Verandering....

Elkeen ondervind 'n dag waarop jy/hy besef: ".....vandag is die seisoen anders as gister...."

...Vandag is daardie dag vir my.... 

Dis Herfs! 

My gunsteling seisoen vanaf kinderjare.

Deur die jare het mense my al gevra hoekom dit so is, -of aangeneem dis die betowerende kleure....?! 
Ek het ook as kind, -eers so gedink. 
God self het die diepe waarheid wat in my hart gesetel was mettertyd bekend aan my gemaak.
Herfs is die seisoen waarin ware groei begin!
Groei begin nie in lente nie, dit begin nou....

Indien ons nie selfondersoek instel en ons los maak van dit wat was nie, kan groei nie plaasvind nie. 
Dan moet ons in die wintertydperk ons uitstrek na wat voorlê. 
Dit is ‘n moeilike tydperk in elkeen se lewe. 
Interessant genoeg, winter is die tydperk waarin bome en plante hul reserwes opbou, al lyk dit vir ons asof dit dormant is. 

Nes ons, is dit in ons winters waarin ons innerlike krag opbou om vorentoe te beur eerder as om terug te gaan na die potte van Egipte, al wat daar vir ons wag is die dood.
Dan kom lente waarin die innerlike opgeboude krag nie anders kan as om uiterlik te manifisteer nie en almal bewonder die blommeprag. 

Somer is slegs die vrug (resultaat) van dit waarmee begin is in herfs.
Mag elkeen van julle jou eie herfs aangryp en jouself los maak van wat was, deur winter beur na wat voorlê sonder om terug te verlang na wat was in jou vorige somer sodat daardie geestelike groei in jou herfs en winter, blom in jou lente sodat almal God se genade mag sien. 

Mag elke blom in jou somer gesonde en voedsame geestelike vrug dra waarmee jy Sy genade betoon aan jou kan uitdeel tot aansporing na ander se eie soeke na Hom.
Mag jy meer as dit als, nie vrees koester vir jou herfs wat weer kom nie, maar in geloof daarna uitsien en bereid is om die prys te betaal om jou los te maak van dit wat nie vanaf Hom is nie en waar Hy jou nie wil hê nie, maak jou los vanaf mense, omstandighede en die vyand.
Geseënde herfs 2023....., -ook jou persoonlike herfs, wanneer dit ookal mag wees.
Maar een ding: ek vergeet die dinge wat agter is en strek my uit na wat voor is, en jaag na die doel om die prys te verkry van die hoë roeping van God in Christus Jesus.

Moontlik-verteerbare kos-virrie-Siel wat val vd Tafel van ‘Genadenstyd’….

 Onwillekeurige Vlietende Gedagtes….

(Geskryf tydens/ na afloop ‘n ergere Siekbed in MediClinic Bleomfontein Jan’24)

Significance / Betekenisvolheid word daargestel met die ‘Beleef van ‘n Encounter’ met ’n mens(e), tydens een of ander ontmoeting, -hetsy toevallig / vooraf afgespreek…. Die’Stof tot nadenke’ wat soos ‘n sagte parfuumreukie agterbly wanneer die gesprek in herinnering geroep word, is een van die aspekte wat bydrae tot die ‘Persoonlike Groei’ ( vir jouselwers of die ander persoon), -wat moontlik ‘n uitvloeisel van die gebeurtenis kan wees….

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Evolving Shades of Change in Perception, -as Age erodes the 'Time remaining'...

"I crossed 65 & is heading towards 70 and realize that there are several changes in my perception of many aspects I view of Life....."

* After loving my parents, my brother, my present spouse, & my 3 children & others 'not worth the investment in time & effort & money'.....,
...I have now started loving myself...!
* I have realized that I am not “Atlas”!
The world does NOT rest on my shoulders (anymore)...
* I have stopped bargaining with vegetable & fruit vendors.
A few Rands /Cents more is not going to break me, but it might help the poor fellow save for .....(whatever) while trying to make a living...
* I leave the waitress/waiter a big(ger) tip than on previous occasions...
The extra money might bring a smile to her/his face.
She/He is toiling much harder for a living than many others that are too lazy to work & that are just expecting an easy handout...
* I stopped telling the elderly that they've already told that story many times...
The story makes them walk down memory lane & AGAIN relive their past!
* I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong...
The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me, -but exclusively on God's timeous Agenda!
Peace becomes more & more precious than perfection...
* I give compliments more freely & generously...
Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient but also for me!
(....a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, NEVER turn it down, just say "Thank You.”)
* I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt...
'Personality' always speaks louder than appearances!
* I walk away from people who don't value me...
They might not know my worth, but I do!
* I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race...
I am not a rat & -neither am I in any race (anymore)!
* I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions...
It’s my emotions that make me truly human...!
* I have learned that it's better to drop the ego, -than to break a relationship...
My ego will keep me aloof, whereas, with relationships, I will never be alone!
* I have learned to live each day as if it's the last...
-After all, it might be the last!
* I am doing what makes me happy...
I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself!
Happiness is a choice.
You can be happy at any time, just choose to be!
Why do we have to wait so long to become 'authentic'-your-true-self?
Why can't we practice this at any stage and age...?

Shalom & Maranatha!

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Pay IT Forward......? !

In this day and age, the deal is that when you invest in something you expect a return...

 After all, that’s what, by and large, makes the world economy go round:                                             I lend you some money, and you repay me the capital plus interest. That’s the deal!

And sure … when it comes to economics, that “deal” is not a bad thing. 
But what about in our interpersonal relationships – when you give someone, let’s say … a leg up at work; when you go out of your way to support them or help them in some way? 
What quid quo pro are you expecting in return then...?

There’s always something – because we tend to approach life on the basis that if we make an investment, we should get a return. 

Enter Jesus with this radical thought:
Luke 6:35 I’m telling you to love your enemies and do good to them. 
Lend to people without expecting to get anything back. 
If you do this, you will have a great reward. 
You will be children of the Most High God.
Yes, because God is good even to the people who are full of sin and not thankful.

As if loving your enemies and doing good towards them weren’t enough, Jesus goes on to undermine our expectation of a return on investment – the most fundamental of both economic and interpersonal expectations...

Lend without expecting a return – that’s the bad news. 
But the good news? 

If you do this, you will have a great reward. 
You will be children of the Most High God.

How wonderful is it, when we quietly invest in someone else, expecting nothing back from them, only to discover that God has the most unexpected blessing waiting for us just around the next

If you do this, you will have a great reward.

That’s His Word...

Shalom & Maranatha

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

6 Life's PRINCIPLES learn from a Peregrine Eagle....


1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes...
They can reach speeds of up to 390 km/h.......
Therefore they don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds!
MEANING; Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company...
2. Eagles have an Accurate Vision...
They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away.
No matter the obstacles, the eagle will NOT move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.
MEANING; Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed...
3. Eagles do not Eat Dead things.
They Feed only on Fresh Prey...
MEANING; Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past...
4. Eagles Love the Storm...
When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, and the eagle uses the storm's wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.
MEANING; Face your challenges ahead knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably...
5. Eagles Prepare for Training..
They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually fly/ when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest./
MEANING; Leave your Comfort Zone, there is No Growth there...
6. When the Eagle Grows Old...
His feathers become weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it should.
This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retires to a place far away in the mountains. While there, he plucks out the weak feathers on his body and breaks its beaks and claws against the rocks until he is completely bare; a very bloody and painful process.
Then he stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, new beaks, and claws and then he comes out flying higher than before.

Shalom & Maranatha...    
May this be a Daily Objective focussing on Every day during 2023... !
MEANING; We occasionally need to shed off old habits no matter how difficult, things that burden us or add no value to our lives should be let go of...

Thursday, March 17, 2022

'Dankie-sê'....., -met die Afsterwe van 'n persoon....

Daagliks, word babas gebore & andere.. (hetsy oud of jonk), -sterf....

Met die afsterwe van iemand, is hartseer onlosmaaklik deel van die afskeidproses.
Mense is o.a. hartseer omdat die verbreking van die unieke assosiasie met die oorledene as asemhalende-lewende mens, nou finaal verby is.... 
'Iets' van diesulke assosiasie met die oorledene, was lekker / kosbaar vir van die agtergeblewendes & die herinnering / gedagtenis aan die nóu permanente verlies daarvan, het derhalwe hartseer & weemoed tot gevolg....

Gedurende die Lewe van die oorledene was interaksie met hom/haar 'n 'periodieke' realiteit, afhangende van die nabyheid van verbintenis met diesodanige persoon.

Wat egter wel onthou word tydens nagedagtenis aan die oorledene, is 'Hoe' die persoon jou 'laat voel het', -tydens jou persoonlike interaksie met hom/haar.....
Dinge is tydens sy/haar lewe gesê; die kwytraak-daarvan, -het gevoelens tot gevolg gehad wat soms jare daarna nog onthou word; hetsy ten goede of ten kwade...
Afgestorwenes word slègs maar onthou vir die 'impak' wat hulle op andere rondom hul gehad het; dinge wat deur hulle gedoen & gesê is tydens hulle leeftyd wat óf 'n positiewe óf 'n negatiewe invloed uitgeoefen het op diegene wat met hulle assosiasie gehad het...

Grief never ends...but it changes!
It is a passage, -not a place to stay.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, -nor a lack of Faith
It is the price of love...

Die werklike nalatenskap / "legacy" van 'n afgestorwene is nie gesetel in die fisiese agterlaat van materiële bates/laste aan die erfgename nie, maar in die 'opbouende rigtinggewende-impak' wat op andere uitgeoefen is tydens sy/haar lewe.

'Dankie-sê' aan die oorledene is ná sy/haar afsterwe, ongelukkig te laat...nou!
Te veel gewag word gemaak van die 'besing van lofprysinge', van die oorledene se weldade, (somtyds met veel fanfare), tydens die begrafnis van'n oorlendene....
Diesodanige 'lofprysinge' moes egter eerder gedoen gewees het, in persoon aan die oorledene tydens sy/haar se lewe terwyl hul nog asemgehaal het....!

"Feeling Gratitude & NOT expressing it; -is like wrapping a 'Present' & not giving it..."

Die besing van eienskappe & toedig van Dankbaarheid aan die oorledene is 'posthumous' soos kaf in die wind; -te laat; futiel...!
Dankbetuigings aan die oorledene (hetsy in watter formaat), móés gedoen gewees het tydens die aardse Lewe van die oorledene; -dan het dit dankbetuigende-impak gehad; nou egter, -is die 'peperduur ruikers/blomme & ander vorme van eerbetoon' van nul & gener waarde vir die oorledene...

"Think of 'who' has influenced you; 
Write a letter of Thanks/Appreciation; 
Deliver it then in Person to them...

Gratitude 'boosts' mood... !"

Nietemin, -Dankbetuiging aan derde partye wat tydens die lewe van die oorledene aan hom/haar versorging via hospitalisasie of tydens die begrafnis e.a. te doen gehad het, -is goed & reg so; hetsy deur hul gedoen as 'n gebaar van welwillendheid of teen betaling.
Dis net 'n basiese gebaar van ordentlikheid & erkentlikheid, & hoort tereg so...

Thankfulness is the beginning of Gratitude; 
Gratitude is the completion of Thankfulness; 
Thankfulness may merely consist of words; 
Gratitude is notwithstanding shown in Deeds & Acts....!
"Practicing Gratitude Every day -can Change your Life!"
This fact is Scientifically Proven...

Shalom...& Maranatha !

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Lasting....Marriage Advice !


Choose to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other...
Love IS a commitment, NOT a feeling!

Always answer the phone when your husband/wife is calling and when possible, try to keep your phone off when you’re together with your spouse.
Make time together with one another as a priority. 

Budget for a consistent date night.
Time is the “currency of relationships” so consistently invest time into your marriage...

Surround yourself with friends who will strengthen your marriage and remove yourself from people who may tempt you to compromise your character in whichever way...

Make laughter the soundtrack of your marriage. 
Share moments of joy, and even in the hard times, -find reasons to laugh...

In every argument, remember that there won’t be a “winner” and a “loser.” 
You are partners in everything so you’ll either win together or lose together. 
Work together to find a solution...

Remember that a strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. 
It’s usually a husband and wife taking turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak. 

Prioritize what happens in the bedroom... 
It takes more than sex to build a strong marriage, but it’s nearly impossible to build a strong marriage without it!

Remember that marriage isn’t 50-50, divorce is 50-50... 
Marriage has to be 100-100. 
It’s not splitting everything in half, but both partners giving everything they’ve got!
Give your best to each other, not your leftovers after you’ve given your best to everyone else.

Learn from other people, but don’t feel the need to compare your life or your marriage to anyone else’s. 
God’s plan for your life is masterfully unique!

Don’t put your marriage on hold while you’re raising your kids or else you’ll end up with an empty nest and an empty marriage...

Never keep secrets from each other. 
Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy.

Never lie to each other. 
Lies break trust.. & trust is the foundation of a strong marriage!

When you’ve made a mistake, admit it and humbly seek forgiveness. 
You should be quick to say: “I was wrong. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

When your husband/wife breaks your trust, give them your forgiveness instantly which will promote healing and create the opportunity for trust to be rebuilt. 
You should be quick to say: “I love you. I forgive you. Let’s move forward.”

Be patient with each other... 
Your spouse is always more important than your schedule.

Model the kind of marriage that will make your sons want to grow up to be good husbands and your daughters want to grow up to be good wives...

Learn from other people, but don’t feel the need to compare your life or your marriage to anyone else... 
God’s plan for your life is masterfully unique!

Never talk badly about your spouse to other people or vent about them (online)... 
Protect your spouse at all times and in all places!

Always (if at all possible...), -wear your wedding ring... 
It will remind you that you’re always connected to your spouse and it will remind the rest of the world that you’re off limits!

Connect into a community of faith. 
A good church can make a world of difference in your marriage and family...

Pray together... 
Every marriage is stronger with God in the middle of it!

When you have to choose between saying nothing or saying something mean to your spouse, say nothing every time..!!

Never consider divorce as an option. 
Remember that a “perfect marriage” is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other...

Shalom...& Maranatha
....till we meet again!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Why.... Life Is STILL Beautiful and Worth Living!

Please do read these words (See Below) to help you honor the beauty inherent in every experience...
That’s how you turn metal into gold, rubble into treasure, dark into light, pain into healing...

Life is colorful. 
This isn’t a black-and-white movie... 
This is a vibrant, full-resolution, widescreen experience. 
How amazing is it that we’re here, together, for this brief sliver of eternity, to experience life from this angle, through these eyes and hands...?

You have a say in how much love you feel... 
You get to choose how you experience your experiences.
This internal freedom is something that no one and nothing can take away from you without your permission...

You determine your “why.” 
You get to make your life a meaningful mission, and you get to choose what that means for you. 
The purpose of your life is to live according to YOU...

We’re all very different expressions of life. 
This keeps life on earth interesting and expansive. 
There really is no limit to what’s possible. 
You bring something different to the world just by being who you are...

There are beautiful people everywhere. 
Their hearts are so big they inspire goodness in the people around them. 
You might not see them on the news tonight, but there are more compassionate, caring individuals than there are otherwise. 
Otherwise, we wouldn’t still be here...

You’re a creative being. 
You’re human... 
You’re a living creature with the power to create what was once only a thought. 
You create new life, art, a home, new thoughts, and a new reality every time you think and act.

“You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within it, no matter how slight.” 

There’s a lot to see when you look Up...
You can always count on sunshine or starry skies, rolling clouds or distant planets, beautiful chaos, or birds taking flight. 
There are lessons written all over the earth, all across the sky...

Energy doesn’t die...

No matter how long the winter, spring always follows... 
Random things happen every day. 
You have little control over the workings of the universe, but you can count on the seasons to change… all the way back into themselves!

No matter the physical distance between you, you have ways of communicating with the people you love. 
You live in an amazing time in history... 
You can see the people you love, -smile, hear them laugh, ask about their life even when they’re on the other side of the planet.

There’s more to life than what meets the eye... 
Even when you can’t see it, the sun is always burning and the stars are always shining. 
The world is spinning and you’re grounded on the earth. 
Crystals are hiding in ordinary stones. 
Bulbs are waiting in frozen ground for the coming of Spring...

It’s always the present moment. 
You’re always right here, right now. 
Everything is contained here, now. 
..Even the past. 
..Even the future. 
And you’re part of everything.
You don't need to chase the extraordinary for beauty. 
You need to show up fully, here...

Your imagination is infinite. 
Your mind can be an amazing place. 
You can travel to places (back in time, to the future, somewhere you’ve never seen) without stepping physical foot in them. 
There are NO limits to what you can dream.

Everyone is capable of being loved. 
Even strangers are capable of loving each other. 
We don’t need to be in an intimate relationship to reach out and touch a heart!

People DO Fall-in-Love...

Laughter is contagious... 
Smiling is contagious, -too... 
Love turns what’s not love into love. 
A darkness that is brought to the light is transformed by the light into light. 
Appreciation &/or Gratitude gives us more to appreciate & be Thankful for... 

This tóó shall pass... 
Things are always changing. 
This gives hope during the dark times and appreciation during the bright times, and presence during both.

A small gesture can change the course of a "life"... 
Something as tiny as a comment or a hug can lift your spirits and change the way you go about your day. 
Little things make a big difference!

You live on a planet that supplies you with life energy
You have the materials to experience life. 
You were brought here by this energy, you’re sustained by it, and it’ll carry on for as long as forever.
To live at all is the greatest miracle of all...

A thought can be changed
You’re not stuck with a certain set of beliefs for the rest of your life. 
You’re free to practice new thought patterns at any time. 
You’re allowed to be new...

We see reflections of ourselves in others
As the poet Rumi put it, 
“ The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.” 
We’re mirrors for each other... 
This is why it’s helpful to go hand in hand.

Nature is abundant in her lessons... 
Summer is a time to play. 
Autumn shows you how graceful change can be. 
Winter restores you. 
Spring promises new life and, with it, new hope...

You can learn something new every day. 
The universe is that expansive. 
You contribute to that expansion every day, even if you don’t mean to. 
Contributing on purpose, though, makes life feel that much richer.

You’re not alone. 
There’s always someone, somewhere, at some point in time who knows exactly how you feel and is acutely familiar with your pain.  You're understood, -sometimes, though misinterpreted many times...
You’re not the only one who has ever felt this… life just isn’t that narrow!

You’re healing
When you’re injured, depleted, or heartbroken, you CAN rise again... 
You might never be the same person, but you’re given another chance over and over again to live. 
That’s a beautiful thing...

Whatever you think about it, life is STILL beautiful...
-Even after things fall apart. 
Regardless of how things fall back together. 
You were given life... 
Don’t miss out on this chance! 

Shalom... & Maranatha!

'n ToekomsVisie vir die Nageslag......

Opgedra aan: Onse Haimi & Karin... met hul Verlowing !

Ter Opsomming: " 'n ToekomsVisie van Sukses/Mislukking vir die Nageslag - 'n Funksie van die Perspektief wat mettertyd ontwikkel vanuit die Orientasie van Persepsies wat posvat agv Belewenisse van Onmiddelike / Huidige Omstandighede......."

Toe het Kaleb die volk stil gemaak teenoor Moses en gesê: 

"Laat ons gerus optrek en dit in besit neem; want ons kan dit sekerlik oorweldig...." [NÚMERI 13:30 AFR53]

Numeri 13 & 14 vertel hoe Moses manne, hoofde van elke stam, stuur om die beloofde land te gaan verken. 
Twaalf manne, twaalf leiers, hoofmanne van stamme, pak hulle sakke en sit af op 'n ekspedisie om 'n land te gaan verken wat reeds aan hulle beloof is deur die onwankelbare God. 
Dis 'n ekspedisie wat hul en hul nageslagte se lewens en toekoms radikaal kan verander....

Hulle sien die land en die opbrengs daarvan, trosse druiwe wat twee mans moet dra, ongekende groot en helderrooi granate. 
Als is mooi, buitengewoon mooi, maar die volk wat daarin woon is sterk en groot. 
Die stede is versterk en baie groot. 
So groot as die moontlikhede van die land is, so groot is die struikelblokke om dit te bekom....

Met die terugkeer kom twaalf manne terug, manne wat dieselfde dinge gesien en beleef het.
Tien manne kom terug met die prentjie van die struikelblokke in hul gedagtes, en twee manne, Kaleb en Josua kom terug met melk en heuning in hul gedagtes. 
Tien manne se verslag is negatief, maar twee manne is positief, -ten spyte van die uitdagings!

Die geskiedenis van die storie leer ons dat dit slegs die twee manne, wat met smaak van melk en heuning in hul gedagtes teruggekom het, wat dit ook in die werklike lewe daarna fisies gesmaak het.... 
Kaleb en Joshua, twee manne wat voet op beloofde grond gesit het en gesmul het aan die land se melk en heuning. 
Kaleb en Josua se verslag het nie die gevare misken nie, hulle het melding gemaak van die gevare, maar hul slotsom was dat met God se hulp, -is dit moontlik...

Ons lewe ook in 'n land en in 'n tyd waar ons reuse in die gesig staar. 
Daar is bye wat ons van die heuning weerhou en koeie wat die melkemmers omskop. 
Daar is baie dinge en gebeure wat ons vanweë 'n negatiewe persepsie 'n neerdrukkende uitkoms kan laat skryf in ons verslag aan die nageslag..... 
Maar ek wil glo, dat wanneer ons die twee manne se voorbeeld volg deur ons gedagtes en fokus te hou op die melk en heuning, en nie op die dinge wat tussen ons en die smaak daarvan staan, dat ons dit ook in die fisiese sal smaak....!

Ons kinders, ons nageslag, het nie nodig om woestyntrekkers te wees as gevolg van ons ongeloof in God, dat ons van dié land se melk en heuning sal eet en drink nie. 
Ek wil aanhou glo, en ek wil aanhou om my gedagtes te vul en my fokus te vestig op die melk en heuning, en nie op die struikelblokke en reuse wat oorkom moet word nie.... 
Want wanneer God ons help met die reuse van die land, wil ek 'n Josua en 'n Kaleb wees, wat my kinders en kleinkinders sien met taai vingers van ons land se heuning, en wat lag met wit, melkglimlaggies om die rondings van hul mondjies....

Wat skryf jy in jou verslag vandag, is dit die reuse in jou hart, of sien jy nog die melk en heuning van ons beloofde land? 
My kinders, my kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders wil ek hê moet my in my Nalatenskap onthou as 'n man wat nooit opgehou glo het dat God se hand sal help teen vyande en reuse in die land, sodat hulle kan eet van die heuning en kan drink van die melk en my verslag geglo het, dat Gods hand ons sal help...!

Ons kinders en nageslagte verdien pa's en oupas en mans soos Kaleb en Josua, wat nog glo in God se hand wat kan help in hierdie land. 
Manne wat kennis neem van die gevare, maar wat die moontlikhede met God in hule gedagtes reeds beleef en uitleef. 
Manne met 'n "mindset" van " Ons kan...!"

Daarmee ontken ek nie die uitdagings nie en ontken ek nie dat ons gevoelens kry van magteloosheid in n demokrasie waar ons as ‘n minderheid eenkant toe gedruk word om toe te kyk hoe die volksvreemde meerderheid soos roofdiere alles verslind.
Ek ontken ook nie dat ons op die stadium leierloos en planloos is nie.
Dat ons teen ons Afrikaner aard ons rug draai om nog houe te vat sonder om terug te slaan.
Dat ons stomgeslaan niks doen behalwe toekyk hoe die volgende hou op ons gemik beplan word en onsself teenvoeterloos verskans en voorberei om die aanslag af te weer en te oorleef.
Om die volgende dag die te begrawe wat dit nie gemaak het en dan weer aan te gaan met ons lewe.

Ons Afrikaners vat hou vir hou. 
Hoe ons soos Dawid nie wraak neem op die Saul in ons lewe nie
Ons bekla ons lot soos Dawid maar ons neem nie reg in eie hande alhoewel ons dit baie sterk oorweeg.
Daar is iets wat ons terughou om teen ons aard op te staan teen die boelies....

As Gelowiges kan daar net 1 verklaring wees:
Ons wag vir God om ons te verlos of in beweging te bring.
Dit opsig self is dalk n goeie plek om op te wees want hierdeur plaas ons ons vertroue in ons Vader om op Sy tyd en Sy manier verlossing te bring.
Ons moet ons gebedslewe inrig en daaraan wy om as Vader se kinders te bly lewe terwyl Hy steeds na ons omsien al gaan dit hoe woes om ons.

Israel is as volk 400 jaar in Egipte onder die heidense nasie gekasty.
In die begin is hulle waardeer en het lekker gelewe en voorspoed beleef te midde van die teenoorgestelde van die Egiptenare.
Inderdaad was hulle teenwoordigheid tot voordeel van die Egiptenare.
Algaande het die Egiptenare jaloers geraak en die Israeliete begin onderdruk en slawe gemaak.
Hulle is sleg behandel maar het vasgebyt voor die aangesig van YHVH en op Hom staatgemaak vir uitkoms.
Dit maak my trots om Christen-Boere-Afrikaner te wees en te sien hoe my volk soos Dawid swaarkry sonder om reg in eie hand te neem waggend op YHVH want dit is wat ons doen of ons dit besef of nie.
Ons bely deur die posisie wat ons inneem:

“Sonder U gee ons nie 1 tree nie ‘maar saam met U deins ons nie terug om menigte aan te vat nie. 
Ons wag soos styfgesnaarde boog op U bevel om die heidene onder U leiding in orde te bring. 
Praat met ons Vader dat ons U leiding kan ervaar U stem kan hoor en in U vertroosting en rus kan vind”

Vir hulle wat klop word oopgemaak.
Kom ons bly klop aan die deur van ons Vader en herinner  Hom aan ons afhanklikheid in afwagting op Sy antwoord en uitkoms soos Kaleb en Josua met n positiewe verwagting...
Kom ons wees bewus van Sy teenwoordigheid wat ons sal reinig van die bose tot geregtigheid om Sy ontwil sodat niks in Sy pad staan om Sy kinders te kom red.

Versorg mekaar te midde van die aanslag tot Hy uitkoms bring....!

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable....

Shalom....& Maranatha!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Peace... from the Holy Spirit, as your'e Grieving a "Lost Relationship"

Opgedra aan my vergetele voormalige familie, -in besonder Erique (neé Jordaan) se Troudag...

Relationships are at the core of our lives — and sometimes, when they aren’t as they should be, they bring us grief and sorrow...

Are you grieving a relationship that has deteriorated? 
Whether it dissolved in a long, tangled mess over the years or conflict erupted out of nowhere, broken relationships DO severely hurt! 

Maybe you long for reconciliation, but it hasn’t come — even after years of praying. 
It is grievous when our actions caused a broken bridge or when those we love don’t respond to our outreached hand.
If you struggle with sleep in the middle of the night hours, -those wee hours that stretch out dark, long, and lonely, and your mind wanders to worries, sadness, confusion, or anxiety; -it may be helpful to call up a few Scriptures to comfort your broken heart.....

Jesus is near to those who are brokenhearted..... especially when one may be feeling "crushed in spirit"...
Our relationships were not meant for dissension or sorrow or frustration, and when brokenness captures our relationships, -it feels devastating and wrong.

Your heart feels like it may never be repaired......

ONLY Jesus binds the open wounds that bring on such pain. 
He is a Healer not just of the body, but also of the spirit.

In the quiet of tonight, be comforted: the Lord remembers you... 
He is the God of all comfort and the healer of fragmented, devastated, tender hearts. 

Our Father is compassionate toward His children and He loves us so much He sent His only beloved Son to die — so that He could have a redeemed relationship with us, with you. 

Be encouraged, the Lord hears you and your cries tonight.

Even though Jesus no longer walks the streets of the earth, the Holy Spirit abides with us in all our need. 
Find solace and comfort in His compassion and reflect on the truth in His Word.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 

For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. — 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. — John 14:26

I am grieved by the loss of my relationship... 
My heart cries out in sadness and longing, but I know in the midst of my grief, the Holy Spirit is with me. 
You are always at the eye of the storm, offering calm amidst calamity; as I try to fall asleep this evening, tend to me gently...

May you truly experience the comfort of God the Father, the love of Jesus the Son, and the communion of the Holy Spirit as you grieve your lost relationship...
May your sorrow be turned to dancing as you think on the Goodness of the Lord...

Lord, even when I am downcast, I praise You — my comfort and strength... 
You are a God to be praised, even when I’m filled with devastating grief. 

Thank You for Your steadfastness, my precious Lord.

Longing for Everlasting Peace ..... to come very soon!

Shalom..... & Maranatha 


Friday, April 12, 2019

God se Vryheid ... & 'n Baie Dankie.......!

Image result for dankbaarheid quotes
" Dankbaarheid gee Sin aan GISTER; Vrede vir VANDAG; & Skep 'n Droom vir MORE...."
 Sonde probeer die "lekker" uit die lewe haal....deur 'n slinkse slenter!

Eers probeer hy vir jou ’n leuen vertel deur te sê hy weet waar die ware 'fun' van die lewe is, maar as jy jou weer kom kry, het jy meer probleme as iets anders.... 
Of probeer jou vasdruk in reëls en regulasies van jy mag nie dit nie en jy mag nie daai nie. 
Ja, aanvanklik lyk daardie kant beter, makliker, maar ongelukkig begin jy gou aan ’n groot stuk bagasie sleep.

Stadig maar seker word jy ingekatrol en voor jy lekker kan sien, is jy in hulle kloue en vasgevang en in die nette van gebondenheid. 
Dan is jy ’n gevangene, ontneem van vryheid – God se Vryheid.

Daar is gewetenlose mense daar buite. 
Daar is mense wat glad nie omgee om ander mense se siel te verkoop nie. 
Hulle is nie bang vir die dood nie. 
Hulle trap met hulle groot bootse op enige iets – selfs op mense se harte.

Dalk sê jy vir jouself dat jy dit nooit sal toelaat nie, die bose sal my nie met ’n slap riem kom vang nie. 
Moenie so seker wees nie. 
Op baie slinkse maniere kom hy en probeer God se vryheid by jou steel.

Miskien sal dit goed wees as ons een of ander tyd op ’n klip gaan sit en mooi kyk na wat ons glo en die maniertjies wat ons vir onsself aangeleer het. 
Maak dit ons vry, of bind dit ons juis vas?

Om te voorkóm dat ons om die bos gelei word, moet ons ’n lewe leef waar ons die heeltyd vir onsself sê: God het alles gemaak. God is die Skepper. Alles wat God gemaak het, het groot waarde.
Wie is ek dan om nou die beheer daarvan oor te neem en te besluit wie mag en wie mag nie? 
Miskien sukkel ons so met die lewe omdat ons alles nie in die regte perspektief sien nie.

Sê vir God dankie vir alles. 
Vir elke ding wat jy doen, sê vir God dankie daarvoor. 
Dan besef ’n mens gou waar dit vandaan kom en wat die waarde daarvan is. 
Wanneer jy dan nie vir God daarvoor dankie kan sê nie, weet jy hier is iets nie reg nie. 
Dalk is dit dan nie ’n Godgegewe geskenk nie, maar ’n mensgemaakte ding en wanneer die mens iets te make het met die ding, is die kans maar al te goed dat daar êrens iets gaan ontspoor.
Maak ’n punt daarvan om elke oomblik vir God dankie te sê vir alles wat jy om jou het. 
Hy het tog alles gemaak en al die lof kom Hom toe. 
Daarom moet jy in alles wat jy doen jou dank aan Hom betuig en dit ook uitleef. 
As jy iewers by ietsie kom waar jy sukkel om dankie te sê, moet jy dadelik stop om seker te maak dit is God se goed en nie dalk net jou goed nie.
En as jy agterkom daar is iets in jou lewe is wat jou laat twyfel of dit van Hom is, vra Hom om Hulp via die Heilige Gees, om dit te laat staan....

... En dit is reg so, want alles wat God gemaak het, is goed. 
’n Mens hoef nie jou neus op te trek vir enigiets as jy vir God daarvoor dankie sê nie. 

God self het vir ons gesê dat alles wat gemaak is Syne is.

Shalom ... & Maranatha !