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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Why.... Life Is STILL Beautiful and Worth Living!

Please do read these words (See Below) to help you honor the beauty inherent in every experience...
That’s how you turn metal into gold, rubble into treasure, dark into light, pain into healing...

Life is colorful. 
This isn’t a black-and-white movie... 
This is a vibrant, full-resolution, widescreen experience. 
How amazing is it that we’re here, together, for this brief sliver of eternity, to experience life from this angle, through these eyes and hands...?

You have a say in how much love you feel... 
You get to choose how you experience your experiences.
This internal freedom is something that no one and nothing can take away from you without your permission...

You determine your “why.” 
You get to make your life a meaningful mission, and you get to choose what that means for you. 
The purpose of your life is to live according to YOU...

We’re all very different expressions of life. 
This keeps life on earth interesting and expansive. 
There really is no limit to what’s possible. 
You bring something different to the world just by being who you are...

There are beautiful people everywhere. 
Their hearts are so big they inspire goodness in the people around them. 
You might not see them on the news tonight, but there are more compassionate, caring individuals than there are otherwise. 
Otherwise, we wouldn’t still be here...

You’re a creative being. 
You’re human... 
You’re a living creature with the power to create what was once only a thought. 
You create new life, art, a home, new thoughts, and a new reality every time you think and act.

“You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within it, no matter how slight.” 

There’s a lot to see when you look Up...
You can always count on sunshine or starry skies, rolling clouds or distant planets, beautiful chaos, or birds taking flight. 
There are lessons written all over the earth, all across the sky...

Energy doesn’t die...

No matter how long the winter, spring always follows... 
Random things happen every day. 
You have little control over the workings of the universe, but you can count on the seasons to change… all the way back into themselves!

No matter the physical distance between you, you have ways of communicating with the people you love. 
You live in an amazing time in history... 
You can see the people you love, -smile, hear them laugh, ask about their life even when they’re on the other side of the planet.

There’s more to life than what meets the eye... 
Even when you can’t see it, the sun is always burning and the stars are always shining. 
The world is spinning and you’re grounded on the earth. 
Crystals are hiding in ordinary stones. 
Bulbs are waiting in frozen ground for the coming of Spring...

It’s always the present moment. 
You’re always right here, right now. 
Everything is contained here, now. 
..Even the past. 
..Even the future. 
And you’re part of everything.
You don't need to chase the extraordinary for beauty. 
You need to show up fully, here...

Your imagination is infinite. 
Your mind can be an amazing place. 
You can travel to places (back in time, to the future, somewhere you’ve never seen) without stepping physical foot in them. 
There are NO limits to what you can dream.

Everyone is capable of being loved. 
Even strangers are capable of loving each other. 
We don’t need to be in an intimate relationship to reach out and touch a heart!

People DO Fall-in-Love...

Laughter is contagious... 
Smiling is contagious, -too... 
Love turns what’s not love into love. 
A darkness that is brought to the light is transformed by the light into light. 
Appreciation &/or Gratitude gives us more to appreciate & be Thankful for... 

This tóó shall pass... 
Things are always changing. 
This gives hope during the dark times and appreciation during the bright times, and presence during both.

A small gesture can change the course of a "life"... 
Something as tiny as a comment or a hug can lift your spirits and change the way you go about your day. 
Little things make a big difference!

You live on a planet that supplies you with life energy
You have the materials to experience life. 
You were brought here by this energy, you’re sustained by it, and it’ll carry on for as long as forever.
To live at all is the greatest miracle of all...

A thought can be changed
You’re not stuck with a certain set of beliefs for the rest of your life. 
You’re free to practice new thought patterns at any time. 
You’re allowed to be new...

We see reflections of ourselves in others
As the poet Rumi put it, 
“ The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.” 
We’re mirrors for each other... 
This is why it’s helpful to go hand in hand.

Nature is abundant in her lessons... 
Summer is a time to play. 
Autumn shows you how graceful change can be. 
Winter restores you. 
Spring promises new life and, with it, new hope...

You can learn something new every day. 
The universe is that expansive. 
You contribute to that expansion every day, even if you don’t mean to. 
Contributing on purpose, though, makes life feel that much richer.

You’re not alone. 
There’s always someone, somewhere, at some point in time who knows exactly how you feel and is acutely familiar with your pain.  You're understood, -sometimes, though misinterpreted many times...
You’re not the only one who has ever felt this… life just isn’t that narrow!

You’re healing
When you’re injured, depleted, or heartbroken, you CAN rise again... 
You might never be the same person, but you’re given another chance over and over again to live. 
That’s a beautiful thing...

Whatever you think about it, life is STILL beautiful...
-Even after things fall apart. 
Regardless of how things fall back together. 
You were given life... 
Don’t miss out on this chance! 

Shalom... & Maranatha!

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