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Friday, December 31, 2010

Merciful........ Grace! - Expect the unexpected........?

There are various ways to describe it........: Turning the other cheek… going the extra mile… doing good to those who hate us…loving our enemies…pouring coals of fire on another's head. 
We may say it different ways, -but the action amounts to the same thing! 
By doing the unexpected, we accomplish two important objectives: 
(1) we put an end to bitterness, 
(2) we prove the truth of the age-old axiom, love overwhelmingly conquers.
Remember Solomon's statement? :
When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7)
It's true..... 
I've also seen occasions when it could have worked, but neither side was willing to give it a try.
Why are we so hesitant? 
What keeps us from doing the unexpected for the undeserving so that we might watch God accomplish the unbelievable? 
It flies in the face of our human nature. 
We weren't raised like that...... 
Furthermore, it's a major risk........  
No question, it is risky, -but ONLY if pride do play a role 
Of course, that is where Faith-implemented-in-Reality, -plays a major role. 
2 Kor 5: 7  To Live by Faith & NOT by Sight  & Above DO His' Will..!
To believe the Lord against all odds and to obey Him—even if the action backfires—brings a     Smile to His Face. 
Take .......Joseph: After suffering years of consequences brought on by his angry brothers' mistreatment, he lived to see the day when the tables were turned. Vulnerable, needy, and at his mercy, all those guilty guys stood before him without a word of defense. And when they discovered that he was Joseph—their long-lost younger brother whom they had deliberately wronged—they were overwhelmed with anxiety. They knew he had them completely cornered. Joseph was the respected prime minister…powerful, wealthy, surrounded by bodyguards, the ultimate model of authority. And they? Weak, bankrupt, unprotected, guilty to the core. It was Joseph's moment. Now was the time to unleash his rage and torture each one to the end of his life. And why not? They had it coming…! Instead, Joseph did the unexpected, which shocked his brothers down to their worn-out sandals. No grudge. No get-even, fight-back attack. Not even a tongue-lashing. Those who deserved human hatred received supernatural treatment. Grace won the day. He forgave them…and the rest is beautiful history.
Could it be that your best 'gift' should not be wrapped in colorful paper and given to someone who DO NOT necessary care or love you, -but for whom YOU DO love or care for? 
How about giving someone the gift of forgiveness? 
How about filling a cup full of kindness? 
How about making a phone call of grace to someone who would never expect it…with no strings attached? 
An authentic extension of love to someone who doesn't deserve it. Now there's a new idea for a  gift that would never be forgotten.
It's risky…but you wouldn't be the first to try it. In case you need an extra boost to nudge you into action, journey back to Bethlehem and find God's gift to us wrapped in cloths of love, lying in a manger of grace.
Talk about doing the unexpected for the undeserving!


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