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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pride wants Justice ............ Righteousness is dong it rather God's recommended Way ?

As 'any' Believer ...............
.......grows in trusting obedience and love, God 'WILL often bring' a test that seems uncharacteristically cruel.

The test: Being wrongfully judged by those close to you. .....

It could be your wife, your children, your best friend, your boss.........
This test is not for the reactionary. 
( I failed it many times in the past & had to be 're-tested' all over again....until I have changed my perception & had 'paradigm-shift on these issues)
This test cannot be passed over by simply 'gutting it out'. 
Supernatural Grace is the only means of passing this one. 

It is one of those tests the Savior had to experience Himself when being tried by the court of public opinion, the religious community, and the government of His day. 
His response to the government was silence
His response to the religious establishment was silence at the final judgment. 
To the rest of His accusers He remained quiet and left vindication to the Father
He 'truly'lived the commandment He gave to the disciples:
"But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked" (Luke 6:35).

How do I/you react when we are accused or mistreated for no reason? 
(....for me, having had a military inclination, -the 1st reaction was defense...... as I had been'humanly taught'....... BUT God changed my Heart; 'my Take' on this 'Spiritual Maneuverers'..... )
Listen quietly........., 
Do NOT  try & logically justify each and every action? ( I wrongfully used to do.... ?) 

Most of us take pride in doing what is right and expect the same from others, especially our brothers and sisters in the Faith.... 
If they fail us, -we are upset.......
We want to correct them; 
We 'Justify' via Explanation, Judgement, Retaliation, Condemnation, etc. 

Jesus knew that if you were to be a true follower of His, you would enter this test eventually. It is part of the program of Life. 
This Life gives ample opportunity to be wronged, misunderstood, and maligned !

When God brings a measured assault against one of His children, it is to find out if he truly believes in the cross. 
The cross is where each of us is given the opportunity to die to our pride, our reputations, and our ego. 
When He allows a measured assault upon us, it is to find out if the cross is sufficient
He wants to see if we will seek to rescue ourselves.....
 Jesus said .......IF we die with Him, we will be raised with Him!

When God allows satan to bring the measured assault, ask God for the 'Grace-to-cling-to-the Cross.'
Let the pride and arrogance that Jesus wants to remove from our lives, -be crucified. 
Then...........Thank God for the opportunity to be crucified with Christ.
Life it every day in humble gratitude 
ONLY Then, -your Righteousness will shine like the noonday sun and the justice of your cause will be in His hands.

"He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun." - Psalm 37:6 


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