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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pride vs Love........ An Opposing study of 1Cor 13 !

(Agape) Love is…

Love through "you"

"Pride" is....
Always PatientCalm self-restraint from punishing others either physically or emotionally for a wrong suffered or for mistakes made. Always forgiving.Never patient with mistakes. Retaliates when a wrong is suffered.
Always KindGoodness of heart expressed in actions for another’s benefit.Never kind or interested in another’s benefit.
Never Jealous or EnviousNot being resentfully desirous of another’s advantages, possessions or gifts. Not desirous of another’s good that it cannot have.Always jealous and envious of others’ good fortune.
Never Boastful or ArrogantNever seeks to exalt self or is puffed up with pride and self-importance.Always boastful and arrogant. Must be the center of attention.
Never Acts UnbecominglyNever acts contrary to behavior appropriate to a Christian’s position as a child of God, For example, always acts with modesty, grace, humility and patience.Always rude; never considers the feelings of another.
Seeks Not Its OwnDoes not insist on having its own way or rights. Looks out for the interest of others.Always demands its own way and always looks after its own interests.
Not ProvokedNever easily stirred to anger; never touchy or quick tempered.Always easily provoked; touchy; over-sensitive; angry.
Never Takes Into Account a Wrong SufferedBears a wrong without holding it against the one who has committed it. Never holds grudges; maintains a forgiving spirit; keeps no records of wrongs.Always holds grudges and maintains records of other people’s wrongs.
Never Rejoices In UnrighteousnessViews sin as God does. Is never glad over someone else’s mistakes or sins.Always rationalizes or ignores sin. Rejoices over others’ mistakes and sins.
Rejoices With The TruthRejoices in all that is found in Christ and His word and in others becoming Christ-like and being used of God.Never rejoices with the truth and resents others being used of God.
Bears All ThingsEndures any hardship for another’s good. Carries another’s burdens.Never endures anything.
Believes All ThingsThinks the best of other people for Christ’s sake. Gives others the benefit of the doubt.Always thinks the worst of others.
Hopes All ThingsHolds fast to God’s promises. Hopes the best for others.Doubts God’s promises. Hopes for the best for himself alone.
Endures All ThingsWill last courageously through any trial for any span of time with patience and a thankful spirit of Gratitude for the sake of Christ and others.Never endures trials with patience or faith in Christ. Always resists and complains.

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