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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Why is it that one is always 'one' choice away from changing your TOTAL Life....?

Small choices, might have Life-changing impact!
It is a matter of priority.
Think about that.....!
What is it that I ( at this point in my Life) want desperately....?
I think a fair answer to that will be..... Somebody to 'share my Life with', -in all facets !
Simply Life is today, what our choices have made it........
With  new choices, we can change directions this very moment !

We each would like to be 'fulfilled.'.
Nobody else could do it for you, -but me being a 'giver', I believe that somebody 'worthy' to bestow on all one has got to give, can provide fulfillment by enjoying the 'Gratitude' of 'such other person' in Blessed modesty receiving........

Wavering 'Thoughts of Doubt' do occur nevertheless from time to time..........
"What can I do to fuel my passion, -to reinforce the positive with others...? "
"Is it possible that I could fail..?"
"Do I want to embrace the risk ? "
All of these 'typical ' thoughts might cause one to sit on the 'fence of indecision'....
While contemplating the 'pro's & the con's ' I was told somehow that I've got too much to say that could make a difference in the lives of too many others. "You will be cheating yourself & many others if you don't fully utilize the talents God has given you...!"
I thought a lot about the above, & I knew I couldn't just sit on the sidelines & let Life go by  without giving my passion another shot.
By making that one choice, I started my Life on a new path...... one that included the opportunity  to write "Moose Chronicles" &  share it with others through word of mouth grapevines.

For me, the idea of changing your life with a single choice is highly motivational.
It offers tremendous Hope, -regardless of circumstances, -for a better tomorrow...(when the Sun will again Shine) !

If I were to wish for anything, -I should NOT wish for wealth & / or power, but for the 'Passionate Sense of the Potential'; for the eye which, -ever young & ardent, sees the possible ( amidst the impossible)....
Which  'wine' is so sparkling-fragrant & intoxicating, than the 'Possibilitity-of-an-Idea', that ONLY need further exploration...?
I ask you ...... in all 'humbleness'would you care to join me on this wonderful, exilarating Adventure, called 'Today is the Time, to Live Life.!'


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