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Monday, May 02, 2011

Servant's Heart....the result of a Selfless attitude & dedication to the Task at hand...

God.....  Utilizes, -failures and setbacks to cultivate within us a servant's heart..... 

Moses, the Prince of Egypt, watering animals? 
Because Moses had just 'choked down' the biggest piece of 'humble pie' you can imagine. 
By now, the man was ready to do anything.... (I knów the feeling...) 
Isn't it interesting, though, that in this incident Moses was allowed to be a deliverer on an immensely smaller scale? 
Earlier, he had thought he was going to deliver a nation. 
He had grand dreams and mighty schemes. 
But this time God said: 
"You want a job as deliverer? 
Then stand up and do it, son; start here: 
There are seven women here in Midian who need a 'helper' at this moment."
Moses could have shrugged it off. 

He could have said, "Forget it..... I'm out of the delivery business.... let someone else do the job." 
But he didn't. 
It was here Moses took his first steps in becoming a man of 'Selfless Dedication'....
 The young women would later tell their father: 
"An Egyptian delivered us from the hand of the shepherds, and what is more, he even drew the water for us and watered the flock" (Ex. 2:19)

That thought moves me... immensely
If you can't do the good you would, do the good you can. 
You may have had big-time plans in your life......dreams that haven't panned out. 
You were going to ........., but the opportunities just haven't come along.....
Maybe you wanted to teach....., but the pressures of life forced you in a different direction. 
Question :  Is it really the teaching that draws your heart, or is it the prestige that goes along with the position.........?
Failure, you see, teaches us a servant's attitude. 
What does a servant do? 
He does : ....the next task.
..... does what is available and ready to do. 
Those without such an attitude resist getting their hands dirty. 
They never want to get involved in the messy part of working with people. 
They always want the polished part, the popular part. 
But the tough stuff behind the scenes? 
Well, give that to someone else....

I realize... 
Life is a lot like tennis, the one who can serve best,  -seldom loses…
The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, -but its donation.

May I become the best Servant .......I possibly can !


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