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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Toiling......vs Idealistically Striving (but many a time NOt Achieving...?)

"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord Almighty. - Zechariah 4:6

My greatest obstacle in fulfilling God's purposes in my life is the skills I've acquired to perform well ........ 
One of the great paradoxes in Scripture relates to our need to depend on the Lord; yet at the same time, we're instructed to use the talents and abilities God gives us to accomplish the work He gives us to do.... ! ? 
It has been one of the most difficult principles to live out..... 
How do we know that what we achieve is by the power of the Holy Spirit in our life versus our own abilities, and is there a difference? 
When we reach a level of excellence and performance in our fields, it actually becomes an obstacle to seeing God's power 'manifest in our Life/work.... 
What we naturally do well becomes the object of our trust. 
When this happens, God retreats.... ! 

God allows us to develop skills, but these must be continually yielded to God's Spirit. 
There will be times when God will use these skills to accomplish His purposes. 
There will be other times that God will not use any of our skills just to ensure that we know it is by His Power that we can do 'anything'.
It is the oxymoron of all oxymoron's for Christians that are  'serious' in Believing the 'Unseen' 

Learning not to act until God shows you to act is a 'sign of maturity' in God.........
* Do not lean on the natural skill which you have been given. 
* Let God manifest Himself in what you are doing.......
To Apply this balance of skill and walking with God, is.......'difficult' 
Restrain from doing those things you know you are prone to do and actually go against them..... is even more difficult
To stay focussed on this, with lightning-bolt fixation.......... is almost impossible (...for me,)........... though I am 'learning' day by day more & more about it........
To wait onto the Lord for Him to show me this was/ was not His plan for me, is only possible with the Help of the Holy Spirit.
I Ask God daily to teach me what it means to walk according to the power of the Holy Spirit in all Facets of Life..... 
To Develop a listening ear to the small voice inside that wants to direct our efforts by His Spirit.......... is an never-ending Godly Gracious Art of Mercy!


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