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Thursday, April 07, 2011

Status ..... & 'such-like things'.....

The word status doesn’t appear anywhere in the Bible ............and yet it’s something that we all treasure in our hearts.
 We all want to be 'some-one'; we want to be esteemed by others....! 
Our desire for luxury goods such as fancy motor cars, big homes, designer items or subtle hints in our conversations implying that we know people in high places all attest to this.
 We love to surround ourselves with status symbols to keep up with the Jones’s regardless of what it takes.

Yet the Bible tells us that our value is not measured in what we own, and in the trappings with which we surround ourselves. 
In heavenly terms, contrary to what we’d like to believe, people are not measured by the exclusivity of the brands they wear, or carats or horsepower, or where they live. 
In fact, the Bible sets no store by earthly treasures. 
It is far more important to have the right values in place and be good at heart. 
In the Bible simplicity sets the tone. 
Ridding yourself of an excess of material things and pretences is what believers should rather focus on.......!

Thinking you’re better than others is NOT a biblical way of thinking. 
The only status that counts in the Bible is the status of a servant. 
That’s what Christ was. 
May you (if you are in a relationship) be that to your partner...!
Jesus Christ lived a sober but stylish life in biblical terms: simply but with depth.
How do I pray & long for to be able to truly 'live' that with my 'one-day bride-to-be' ! 
So count your blessings one by one – and you’ll be surprised how few you give to God.
Sometimes I find it difficult & cannot see Him for all the trappings I have gathered from time to time around me. 
May the Lord through His'spirit Teach me to see what really matters in life.... & in People !


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