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Friday, April 08, 2011

Ambition for Power is dangerous.......... absolute power corrupts !

You can argue all you like; the Truth is......... Power is seductive.....! 

We ALL love to be 'in-control' and 'call-the-shots'. 
We love to be seen to make an impact on the behaviour of others
It’s great to be in power – even if you’re just a small cog in the machine...... 

The Bible has nothing against the 'concept' of power and authority. 
In fact God bestows power on people such as kings, generals, prophets and in our day presidents, an of course heads of departments, CEOs and, yes, the supervisor of the typing pool too...........

Jesus tells his followers to obey the emporer,  -while Paul urges believers to respect the authorities. 
However, to exert power in a positive way one must be able to handle it responsibly. 
The danger is that power, like riches and possessions, can also become an idol or a false god. History is filled with tyrants, cruel leaders, and a multitude of power hungry leaders who abused man, animal, plants and nature for their own benefit.

For Christ true power lies in the ability to serve. 
Power should never be a means to enslave people but rather to serve them. 
(Husband & Wife should serve one humble modesty
That will ensure marriages, -that WILL succeed ! )

True greatness lies in the ability to be the least.

In the event that God does bestow power on us, let us make sure that -like Christ, we are willing to lay down our Life (that will also include: status, adulation, riches, control), for those God has entrusted to us. 
Might we seek their well-being before your own. 
And remember that ultimately you are accountable to God for the way in which you wield power.

So Jesus called them all together to him and said, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the heathen have power over them, and the leaders have complete authority. 43 This, however, is not the way it is among you. If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest; 44 and if one of you wants to be first, he must be the slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served; he came to serve and to give his life to redeem many people.” Mark 10:42-45


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