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Monday, March 14, 2011

Ridiculous (though Amazing)........Gracious Love

Something that is beyond human comprehension .....
........–that is that God loved us when we were still sinners...... ! .. ?

But God has shown us how much he loves us —it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us! Rom 5:8

This is so different from our human understanding of what love really is when most of us have a list as long as our arm when it comes to people that we find irritating or whom we can’t stand !
{ Just Listen to yourself and count the negative comments you make about people every day...& gossiping you are participating in regularly....!}

Once again the complete otherness of God (which cannot be measured in ( the spectrum) of human terms), is revealed to us.
Paul describes men as sinful, weak and godless, even as enemies of God – in short, the kind of people we want no part of..... !
But with God it makes no difference. 
Regardless of who or what we are, He comes to us and reaches out to us –even giving his Son without us ever inviting him to do so.... ! Amazing ! 
God’s love cannot be explained in human terms...
In our judgement, God simply goes overboard ! 
He allows his Son to die for people who don’t deserve it ! 
But that’s the way God’s love works. 
That’s why not one of us dares say: 
.....“I’m too great a sinner for God to love me.” ........
Instead like the composer of that wonderful hymn “Amazing Grace” all we can do is to stand in awe of the immense grace of God who loves us unconditionally and without qualification.
What’s more........, 
........this is the kind of love that rubs off on us....
 It causes us to change and act differently
From God’s love we learn what true love is. 
Therefore, I too can love my enemy, (or the one I cannot stand), by seeing them through God’s eyes. 

But how difficult is it not to believe that someone loves me unequivocally when I don’t even love myself at times ..........?
Let us, -nevertheless exercise the Image of God's Love, (only with His' Help), whilst still human &  with incompleteness in perfection; with the Willingness to Obey, in spite of ourselves...... & love each other, with/in 'Agape' Love...?


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