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Sunday, February 20, 2011


When I think about counting my blessings, my mind turns to those you can see - a warm place to live, food ...for today, friends...? and family I desperately long to hold close....... 

But the blessings that God showers on me every day go far beyond what you or I can  touch with my hands......

God's blessings include miracles....... like the Process of prayer 

......& God's ultimate Gift of Salvation. 
Although Blessings like these are really more than the human mind can understand, they are also easily taken for granted...... especially when things are going well; you're self-sufficient & God is NOT that important in your Life........

I take time every morning to send God a 'heartfelt thank-you Note' via prayer....
I ask Him to help my Gratitude for the 'small things in Life'  to grow by making me increasingly more aware of every Blessing, -obvious & less obvious, He brings my way........
Especially the Spiritual Blessings via the Guiding of the Holy Spirit, is of unmeasurable Value...

...Perhaps you might felt the desire to do the same....


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