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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Being Brokenhearted.....

We are all broken to a degree..., it is just a matter of finding 'The One'.... willing to help -mend it...

The heart can be broken........—literally. 

Just like a branch..... or a statue..... or a bone. 

Can you name any precious thing that can't? 

Certainly, we've seen that the mind can be broken, —or what are all those mental institutions for? 
Most of the wandering, muttering "homeless" people pushing a shopping cart along have a broken mind. 

The will can be broken too. 
Have you seen photos of concentration camp prisoners? 
Their eyes are cast down; something in them is defeated. 
They will do whatever they are told. 

But somehow we have overlooked the fact that this treasure called the heart can also be broken, has been broken, and now lies in pieces down under the surface. 

When it comes to...
 "habits" we cannot quit;  
patterns we cannot stop; 
anger that flies out of nowhere; 
fears we cannot overcome; 
weaknesses we hate to admit 
—much of what troubles us comes out of the broken places in our hearts crying out for relief....!
When Isaiah promised that the Messiah will come to heal the brokenhearted, he was not speaking poetically....

We are ALL the 'brokenhearted' 
God is speaking literally when He is.....saying:
 "Your heart is now in many pieces..... I want to heal it."

We would do well when Trusting His' Perspective on this......

Shalom.... & Maranatha

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