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Friday, September 29, 2017

The ROI (Return on Investment) on........ 'Trusting-in-God'....& ONLY in HIM!

The Trust Equation 

Just Imagine for a moment .......

Every time you affirm your Trust-in-God, you actually put a 'coin' into His' 'Treasury'. 

Thus you build up equity in preparation for days of trouble.........(in advance)
God keep safely in His' 'heart' all trust invested in Him, with interest compounded continuously. 
The more you Trust-in-Him, the more He empowers you to do so........

Practice trusting Him during the quiet days, when nothing much seems to be happening......

Then when storms come, your trust balance will be sufficient to see you through. 
Store up for yourself treasure in heaven through placing your Trust..... ONLY.... in Him. 
This practice will keep you in His' Shalom-Peace.....

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Luk. 6:38)

Giving is applicable not only to money, -but also to Trust.

“Give [trust to God], and it [whatever you are entrusting to him] WILL eventually be given to you. 

A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. 
For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

I see a picture of the God of nations, sitting on His eternal throne in Heaven, searching the earth, scouring all the tops of human’s heads for someone to stand out, -to cause Him to take notice. 

I picture Him up there watching through the 'one-way glass of eternity', wondering if anyone will look up from their meaningless mundane routines and think about Him, Almighty God, Creator of ALL & Everything.....
Then He spots someone approaches the glass...., examine it curiously, press his nose up against it, and bang on it, trying to see if there’s something there...? 

I picture God 'smacking' Simon Peter on the arm and chuckling.... 
“Ha!” He would say... 
“Did you see that one? 
He’s trying to find Me!”
He sees me searching, trying to actually find something I can’t See, -but 'Believing' in (without a doubt), -so He Whispers to me. 

Just a word or two... 
But I think I hear something... 
And I move... 
I act, just like that... 
And God gets excited again! 
“Look at him, Peter!” He says.... 
“He can’t even see Me, but he is not giving up Hope & actually 'listening' to My 'Whispering'!”
So He Communicates more. 

I listen again, and I start moving in the 'direction' I Believe God to be.... 
God jumps up. 
“Look at him, Peter! 
He’s running ahead full force! 
He Trusts Me! 
......& he’s not stopping......!”

Then I picture all the 'chatter' in Heaven, -becoming hushed..... 

This Eternal God of land & oceans & space & light gets up off of His Throne....... & Stands at the edge of Heaven over the earth.... 

He starts Sprinkling from a gigantic 'salt shaker'... 
He is shaking 'something' down on me. 
Is it perhaps.... my answer...?
But it’s not my answer....! 
Because I couldn’t even imagine asking for this! 
It’s beyond what I even thought to ask for. 
It’s my Provision, my Life in the reality that is more real.... -than this earthly world, down below... 
It’s my 'Blessing'  
It’s all the 'good things'! 
..... & He is sprinkling more than I need.... -in abundance!
He is sprinkling it until it is “pressed down, shaken together, and running over.”

[He] is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. — Ephesians 3:20

Are you trusting God ..... -in the middle of really 'painful and harsh' circumstances
He 'Sees' every step of Faith, every moment of Trust, every choice to Look to Him for help. 
.....& He has immeasurably more than you could ever ask or imagine in store for you!

Shalom ... & Maranatha

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