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Thursday, June 30, 2011 your life. Who is your #1 ?

Stonehenge is the legendary configuration of huge stones placed in a circle in a remote field in England. 

It is a circle of vertically placed rocks or stones perhaps 30 meter or so in diameter.
Stonehenge is shrouded in mystery.
Bus tours going to Stonehenge are always filled to capacity.  
The site of Stonehenge is amazingly busy. 
People were there from around the world......... 'searching in their souls....... for......?'  

The thing is... the stones had no power.
Even the most impressive set of stones that I've ever seen, the pyramids of Egypt, had no power.
A historical and mystical set of rocks... perhaps, but dead rocks nevertheless.
I appreciate the need to preserve and try to understand history.
But far too often, we attribute to inanimate objects, -power far beyond what they possess. 
It was a constant problem also in the Bible. 
People chose to worship idols made of stone, wood and other materials, ( & even other people like...... your spouse)
We are still the same today. 
We don't call them idols and we don't literally bow down and worship them, -but they consume the majority of our time and focus. 
The most worshiped modern idol isn't even made of stone. 
It's made of paper.

What is your #1 in time spent, attention & focus...?
.........because, - that/them will also go to pass.....


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