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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrection Day ....!... Because He LIVES !

The resurrection is much more than a feel-good story. 

Jesus being raised to life is the very substance of Christianity. 
Without the resurrection, Christianity would be just another empty belief system.

The apostle Paul wrote concerning the resurrection’s significance.

 The validity of the Christian message and our Assurance of Eternal Life...,
....ALL  'hinges' on this single event.

"....And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 1Cor15:14
Sadly, far too many Christians live as if salvation is nothing more than forgiveness of sins...!

 To know that our sins have been forgiven once and for all certainly is incredible news, but the Heart & Soul (Guts/ Bottom Line) of the Gospel message is : "Life".
Spiritually we were born dead.....,
.......until we know above all doubt, -we have been made alive by Jesus Christ living in us, our Christian experience will be filled with frustration and failure.....& consequential eternal damnation....

Because He Lives, -we might Live with Him, Eternally....if we:
- Believes in Him as our only Hope & Saviour
- Ask from Him Mercy & Grace in the Forgiveness for our Sins & Trespasses
- Turn from our 'ways of the past' & Live a Life of Gratitude in Obedience to His' Will for our Lives in a Daily Intimate relationship with Him via the Holy Spirit, being His' 'Hands & Feet' in his absence, until He returns, very soon......

Hallelujah !


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