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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Love ...... exchange between Givers & Receivers

What is more important to a 'giver' than a 'receiver' who responds?

Absolutely nothing....! 
It's the ultimate reward..............

This answer applies whether one is a giver in the form of a speaker or any other form of giving.....
It will apply when for example speaking to just one person, an audience, or to God. 
We want a response !
We want to know we have been heard.
Whether the feedback might be positive or negative, -it doesn't matter.
What matter is the response..... 

But a human response or answered prayer does not always fit our

I once was so fired up at a meeting in Canada that I enthusiastically tell a well respected person of my 'brilliant idea'
Now, Mr. "X" was a reserved man and although he paid total attention to me, he did not give me the response I expected. (i.e. His face did not light up..........)

Finally I turned away to leave, but Mr. "X" called me back. 
With the same lack of expression on his face, he said, "You've made me feel so good; would you care to give me a hug?"
(It is North American custom)

I fairly fainted. 
Then I flew into his arms and gave him one of my best hugs. 

When he hadn't responded in a manner that I recognized, I thought that there was no response, that he hadn't heard me, that what I said hadn't been important enough to move him. 
When he responded in a way that I recognized, I was thrilled to learn there had been real contact between us.

I've gone through the same experience with God many times, the most memorable of which occurred while I was ('after being cleverly disposed of by my former wife & children'),  living in a desolated place in -50C, that was a good place for me to reach out to God in my agony over my total losses.

Many a night I lay in my bed and wept.
One night I cried out to God, "It's not enough to just believe You love me...... 
I need You to put Your arms (physically) around me and tell me that You love me."

Of course, there was no response, no miracle. 
...& the moon outside was soon hidden by clouds and I was in so many times before.

It would take some time until I realize few other people had similar depth & similar soul searching capacity & needs.......
People let me know from time to time through comments on 'Moose Chronicles' that many of them put their arms around me (figurative speaking ) & said that they loved me for the impact I'm having on them....
But, up to now, I have been waiting for that one special God-directed person that would be looking past my 'flaws & my 'not have's'  &  idiosyncrasies & lack of affluence ' & accept me for ALL what I have to offer......Myself!)
Then the 'sunlight will stream in the windows of my soul' - as if I didn't know (Faithfully), the Holy Spirit was hovering all the time........with me!

TODAY........I've thanked God for such tremendous outpouring of love that been given to me.....
And then it hit me! 
I hadn't explicitly asked 'another human being' to tell me that I am being 'appreciated/loved and put 'arms' around me' 
I had asked that of God 'some time ago', previous.....

And God had answered my prayer -  and from a source I would never have expected.

That response, which did not fit my criteria, made an impression on me that will last me until I die......

The lesson is to let the giver give what he has to give......... 
It may be much less than you want, but it also may be a great deal more than you expect in your wildest dreams......


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