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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Adversity....... Teenspoed - "Wanneer gaan dit STOP ! ? "

"How will I know when I am going to come out of my adversity pit?"

.......This is a question that intrigue me for some time
 The answer to this question......... :
 "When it doesn't matter anymore," 

The only problem one has,  -is that we are not dead yet......... We need a 'good' funeral.
I 'm talking about our 'carnal flesh' Life.

When Joseph was elevated to be ruler over the entire kingdom of Egypt after years of slavery and imprisonment, my guess is that it didn't really matter that much to him. 
He thought he was going to get out of prison years earlier when he successfully interpreted the cupbearers dream only to remain there two more years. 
"Why should this situation prove any different............?" he must have thought to himself.

I believe Joseph had come to a place with God where he resigned himself to remain wherever God had chosen to keep him
He had become dead to his circumstances. 
It does not mean we can't have a longing for better days, but there is a Godly contentment that allows us to remain in any condition with a peace that passes all understanding.

The Bible says we are to live as though we are dead. 
This does not mean we do not have emotions or dreams. 
"My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death," he said to them (Mark 14:34). 
That sounds like anxiety to me, yet we know Jesus never sinned. 
So, we can conclude that we can have concerns and emotions without crossing over into sin. 
God has given us His Spirit to allow us to operate inside the storms of life without sinning....!

Place our Faith today......... into the hands of the One -who can calm any storm in life.........


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