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Friday, February 04, 2011

Pride... Hoogmoed... Self-talk........'Thin-ice of Attitude due to perceptions..'

As I recently passed store windows I coincidentally saw my reflection in the glass. 
What stared back was a 'familiar person' with not-that-elegant shoes, -dating 30-years back! 
Perhaps, you can imagine 'the look'...

I then said to myself:
 "I need to stop wearing these old shoes........!
........What would the 'people' say....?
Perhaps, I should go into one of these stores to see if I can acquire some other 'more respectable' shoes, that will make me more 'acceptable', -to those that just might see me............?"

I then heard 'vividly' the 'Inner Voice of God' in my thought-pattern......, "Why?"
I began smiling........(inner-'grinning'would be more precise!)
It wasn't that the shoes wasn't doing its job!
My feet were covered & it was very 'snuggly-comfortable' in these 'old', though very functional leather 'Hush Puppies'  of 'yesteryears fashion'.......
It was looks, -not function that made me wanting to 'change my image' ....... 
It was pride. 
Short & sweet...full-stop !
.......Pride is one of those 'irrational' things.....
........ I need God's help,
 -to fight,

In so many instances the stuff that we have, - is fine. 
It is doing the job that it was designed to do but pride causes us to become discontent; spend money that we have 'no real need' to spend, and often get into debt trying to acquire the stuff that makes us look good in the eyes of others.........
'Others' -we don't know. 
'Them' (whoever they might be ? ) , -don't want to know us ( in any case) or even care whether we exist or not... (leave alone the 'image' !)
Being 'new' in town, no-one in town knew me as I walked confidently down the street in my 'Boerse-outfit'....... 
They didn't care whether I had on 'elegant shoes' or not.
...........Everyone, just self-contained, concerned about themselves & rushing around on their own 'little treadmill-world' of mundane shopping activities, that keep them occupied, engaged & 'totally' focused on themselves .....
It was all me... & my inner perception, but that's usually where the majority of our 'irrational' issues are when we really look at the truth. 
When we really look in the mirror, ............only we..... stare back.

It's the power of modern advertising and typical South African 'snobbishness' that convince us that we 'desperately' need the 'latest' new and improved 'brand-name' stuff.
Trying to keep up with the Joneses can literally drive one 'up the wall' if anyone would allow that to be your framework of reference....

I finished 'cynically contemplating'  at my vanity,  -& spend the rest of my day wearing my old shoes with their unique ' inner and outer' comfort..... in pure contentment !


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