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Friday, November 11, 2011

The Principle in Life... Receiving from God.

Abraham's nephew was a man named Lot. 
Lot was part of Abraham's household until the land on which they fed their flocks could no longer support their growing families and herds. 
Abraham allowed Lot to choose the land where he wanted to live. 
Lot chose the land of Sodom.

Afterwards, four kings invaded Sodom, and Lot's family and goods were taken into captivity. When Abraham learned of this, he immediately gathered his best fighting men and pursued the armies to free Lot and his family. 
He was successful in freeing Lot's family and the families of Sodom. 
The king of Sodom was grateful to Abraham for what he did and wanted him to keep the goods he recovered.
 Abraham had made a decision before the battle that he would only keep what he recovered for his nephew Lot, and goods as payment for the men who fought.

"I will accept nothing but what my men have eaten and the share that belongs to the men who went with me-to Aner, Eshcol and Mamre. Let them have their share." Genesis 14:24

Abraham understood the principle of receiving from God. 
He was a man with great integrity in God
He did not want to be known as someone who became wealthy because of the kindness of a wicked king. 
He wanted others to know that whatever prosperity he gained was a result of the blessing from God's hand alone. 
Abraham understood an important principle of receiving from God.

Jesus also modeled this principle by receiving only what His Father wanted Him to receive.  God's will for Jesus was to receive based on a carpenter's wage even though He was the God of the universe who had access to all things. 

Imagine the discipline Jesus had to have, knowing what He could have had. 
He upheld His own financial integrity in God. 

Each of us must discern what comes from the hand of God rather than the hand of man.
As  believers, there are situations that allow us to manipulate, sweat, and toil our way to profit. There is also profit as a result of hard work done in obedience to our calling in the work-sector.

Knowing the difference in these two concepts is a sign of integrity before God. Only God receives glory when we receive what God wants us to receive. 

Am I /you receiving the 'fruit of your labor' God? 

How I long to 'know in my Knower',  the difference of these two concepts (in all facets) of Life's dimensions.......... also in human relationships


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