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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Staying 'up-beat' is a matter of .............Perspective!

We have all encounter those very 'unique' individuals around us, that....... 
* ......have been the one' the shirt off their back, literally, or giving their last bit of change (to people more fortunate than themselves.....);
* ......never asks for anything-in-return;
*...... although being very hard workers, -are never complaining, nevertheless it seems as if nothing ever /very seldom, -goes their way......  
* matter how hard they try, seldom......... get anything or anywhere.

I've spend some time .......trying to understand how those 'wonderfully-one-of-a-Thousand' people,  stays so .....'Upbeat' ?

Many times, I have prayed for guidance; (...for silly things like to be chosen for something of value......)
I then realized, although I am 'abundantly' blessed,  -still have the need to have 'a reason "why" ', -to go on....... trudging through what seems to be a meager existence of barely surviving.....
The overwhelming feeling of just being assessed for 'material worth' by most people, in accordance to the assets you have or the cash-flow one can provide, -is unfortunately a 'class-differentiating' reality in a 'so-called' modern, enlightened South African Value-system. 

Some comments ......  
* Being 'up-beat' is when: One has found one of the keys to 'inner peace'.....
* Being healthy; having a job, having a loving  spouse; children that are healthy; family whom are close, are all only 'fractional contributions the 'bigger picture'of Balance-in-Perspective.......
Proper outlook on your multitude of undeserved Blessings will make you feel upbeat....... (because you have SO MUCH to have Gratitude for....)  
* Focusing on the things that you don't have will make you feel beat up.
It all depends on which way you look at it : UP Beat or BEAT Up.
* (Perhaps Jealousy, Envy & discontentment have also a role to play..... (Search 'Moose Chronicles' for those words, ..& decide for yourself, afterwards !)

I realize that I HAVE been chosen for 'something of great value' &  have 'something of much great value'; MUCH MORE than what the 'general consensus' from prideful, snobbish  'spectators criticizing', well-intend efforts, might agree to........

What I nevertheless do miss dearly, & very intense on a lonely "Fathers' Day", is,  a 'real-loving' wife & the privilege to experience the day-to-day encounter of experiencing my children growing-up & becoming unique people in their own right....   

"The father of godly children has cause for joy.
What a pleasure it is to have wise children." Proverbs 23:24

A salute to all of them that are 'up-beat', -in spite of their 'beat-up circumstances'

To God ALL the Glory...!


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