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Friday, June 17, 2011

Don't Tell........ Leading by Example

A visiting speaker to a high school spoke to the student body about the perils of smoking. 

Afterwards some of the students saw this same man smoking. 
Undoubtedly, he did more harm by his example than anything he might have said—no matter how true or relevant was what he had to say.

If you and I want to influence others for Jesus, what we have to say at the appropriate time is important, but what we say by the way we live will always carry a lot more weight. 

According to communication specialists the words we say only carry seven percent (7%) of the message we are seeking to communicate. 
Who we are and what we do speaks the loudest by far.

May........ by the grace of God, I Live in that way, that my life will model and be a living example of His' ways, so that people seeing Jesus in me,  -will want Him for themselves. ..! 

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