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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

At a time of Death : Respect to the bereaved...........

While driving a familiar road, I saw an approaching motorcade of 20 to 30 cars, all with their   lights on.........

I immediately took to the shoulder and stopped. 
Cars zoomed by me, a few slowed down, some stopped, then went on.
None, stayed with me........

My mother & father died many years, within months of one another &  I well remember that
string of cars proceeding to the cemetery.......
EVERY car stopped then, -until the entire procession passed. 
It was a matter of respect then..... 

Probably the saddest days of my life at the time; but somehow, those cars stopping, taking five minutes out of their hustle bustle day to let the surviving family know they cared,          helped me through some of the emotional moments of his last ceremony.
The thoughtfulness and reverence it shows to the bereaved, that someone could take just a moment of their time to say, "Hang in there..." ... & not be in a hurry to go nowhere.
We never know how we can touch lives with our actions; but we CAN's a matter of respect. I was in such a procession, many years ago. Today, I wait ...till the last car passes.


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