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Monday, April 04, 2011

An Eulogy : Making a Difference... through Living a Life of Significance !

I met "X." someplace, -sometime ago.
I liked him immediately. 
He was quiet and unassuming. 
His dry wit often brought a smile to my face. 
He worked hard and exercised religiously. 
He thought deeply. 
The Gospel message and living life in the 'New Covenant' were front and center in his thoughts without being a "Bible basher"....
Complications following elective surgery took "X’s" life at 47.
He was one of eight children, six sisters and one brother. 
I met them and his mom the day before the service. 
I was overwhelmed by their love for one another.

I asked them to describe "X" from their perspective....... 
One sister quickly answered, “X" was a 'mensch'.” It is a Yiddish-German word meaning, 'one to be admired.' 
That was "X" - one to be admired !

During the service, I was taken by the number of his friends who talked about "X’s" steadfast Faith in Jesus. 
They not only heard him proclaim the good news, they saw in "X" the Gospel being lived out.
"X" revealed a heart moved by grace and a life defined by Jesus.

His philosophy could very well be summarized by........
“Heaven isn’t heaven because the streets are made of gold. 
Heaven is heaven because heaven is where Jesus is
Hell isn’t hell because of fiery torment; hell is hell because hell is where Jesus isn’t
There’s no greater promise than to spend eternity with Him, nor any greater torment than to spend it alone.......... 
[ Being alone & being disposed of & abandoned on earth, is bad enough, I can't imagine what hell must be like...! ]
If we can set aside our preoccupation with our climate once we die, perhaps we can clearly see that Christ came to change our condition while we still live. 
In His own words – ‘I came that you might have life and that more abundantly.’ 
This life He speaks of changes much more than the quantity of our days… it changes the quality of our existence

God named us, in His covenant as the beneficiaries of His' Will (for us)  
Jesus’ death made it effective, and we learn of its provisions  (in Heb. 8 :10~12)
Christ’s death, burial and resurrection changes the quality of our existence. 
No longer are we bound to the law of sin and death. 
We have been freed to experience all of the 'New Covenant’s' blessings.
"X" that died, condition was changed. 
Through 'Faith in Jesus', he passed from death to life
( Yes !  A burial of somebody that dies, -should in fact be a time of celebration & NOT (ego-egocentrically) , a time of mourning for those that stay behind...) 
"X" embraced the finality of the cross and lived in the abundance of life that was His in Christ. 
Yes, he was one to be admired. 
In life and death, he testified to the 'Amazing Grace' of our Lord.
The New Covenant encompasses what Jesus Christ accomplished for us – everything, making it critical for every believer to understand. 
It is the key to the reality of God’s Grace in a Believer’s life.
Help........... through Living YOUR Life, -as a 'Life of Significance',  -to  plant the 'Truth' of the New Covenant in peoples’ hearts around the world....... 
Wherever you might be & however God works in your heart, to give or to serve, -it will (eventually) make a His' Time !


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