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Monday, April 18, 2011

Bonding .......... A Unquestionable Necessity for Young & Old

The first connection every child has is with his or her mother.
As BaBY........
It starts in the womb, and as soon as the newborn baby is in his or her mother's arms and on her breast, that connection or bonding is reinforced and sealed. 
Sadly, the child who doesn't have healthy bonding in those early years is being programmed for life-long relational problems unless he or she goes through a healthy recovery program. 
If a young child feels no bonding at all, he/she can soon die.

During the teen-years........
Peer-pressure combined with the lack of effective parental authority (especially from Fathers), have unfortunately derailed many a brilliant young person & scarred (if not totally destruct), such an individual for the rest of their future..........

Separation from the Father,  Divorce & the mother that works or are absent from the 'hands-on' care & attention to the emotional needs of the teen almost guarantees (without exception) that 'derailing' would take place........ 

What a saddened situation......
Dreams, Hopes & Aspirations of many years are 'Null & Void', when ego-centricism, pride & envy & clinging to humanistic lies of the day, have replaced the Godly Obedience & Protection in a 'Married Family'-setting .......

Connection and bonding are essential for our entire lifetime. 
We cannot live without them. 
As counselors tell us, we cannot "not be bonded." 
Thus, if we are not bonded in healthy ways to healthy people, we will be bonded in unhealthy ways to unhealthy people or to things. 
The  'void ', -can NOT be empty; it will be filled, if not ' by choice' with the 'positive', -then it will be filled 'automatically' with the negative we associate ourselves eventually corrupts us!  
Some people stay in very destructive and toxic relationships for fear of being isolated and disconnected from everyone. 
Others become bonded to their work, gambling, drugs, alcohol, sex, material possessions and so on.........

For me, (as part of the so-called middle-aged), the necessity for bonding could be a case of 'mutual two-way Blessing'; the experience to avoid the mistakes of the past & the willingness to implement tested & workable solutions are only hampered due to a lack of willingness to commit in full. The exponential advantages of two people who are 'in sync' with Daily Godly Intervention as their 'glue'/ 'Guiding Light,  are like a 'fresh breath of air' to everyone they might come in contact with ............

For the old-aged.........
 Loneliness will cause them to believe they are 'obsolete' for everything & everyone & cause them to give-up on life........... & die pre-maturely.

The 'Sense of Purpose & Belonging' is, without a doubt imperative for 'giving meaning' to our earthly existence.. !   

Healthy bonding needs to be a priority for every one of us, not only in our much needed family relationships (as husband & wife), but also in our closer social networks. 

This 'opportunity' should 'theoretically' be available in every Christian church...... but alas, -it doesn't happen......... 
If you can't find it there, find it with some 'open, non-judgmental, healthy' friends, or in a recovery or twelve-step group ....... (if applicable & necessary) 

Healthy bonding and connection to healthy people is essential for healthy, wholesome, and meaningful lives.

 As the Bible reminds us, the company we keep affects our lives.
"Don't be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character." 1 Cor 15:33

I Believe each of us NEED to pray to God the Father, (Whom have ALL the Solutions), to find at least one safe soul- brother/sister with whom I can be totally open and honest, connected to and bonded in a healthy way. 

If the Will of God; His' Blessing could pro-actively confirmed, -the absolute commitment to each other, can & will be to His' Glory........


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