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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

When I say I am a Christian........

Why is it that when I say I'm a Christian......, 
......the critique that I get 'ad hoc' from friend & foe reading the Moose blogg is,  -that they are of opinion that I don't 'walk the talk' at all.....! 
In all due respect, -it might be very rightly so,.......BUT
.........These opinions are most the time aired, -with a self-appointed attitude of being a  'Fully-Authorized Judge'...........  -helping  God doing 'His Job' of  'properly' Judging people, until He might return........One Day, -if ever! Therefore they have decided to 'Play God' in His 'Absence'  !
The Verdict normally doesn't take that long to decide on either.....
 I'm condemned to be..... " 'a knifing & false pretentiousness' failure as a person, -therefore a 'loser' & without question 'in toto' to be everyone !"   

I thought much about the possible 'rationale' & reasons for these shades of fascinating vindictiveness.... 
One consideration just possibly might be: 
"That I'm totally unable to be as 'perfect as they are' ..... ?"
What do you think...?

The condemnation-part, coming from a co-Christian both astounding & amazing, to say the least....!  
The Common Principle of being both Judge & Executioner is a typical trait ONLY being practiced on the African continent....!

Perhaps for the sake of getting on even ground we should reconsider some Generic, -though Basic Christian Principles & Values...... !

When I say I'm a Christian.......
* ......I am not shouting that 'I am untouchable clean & living perfectly...... I'm only whispering 'I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven.' 
I'm trying to walk in God's Grace as best as I can, with failures...especially when I stray from underneath the 'protective umbrella' of the Holy Spirit during times of my own strong-willed tenacity of  'doing it My way' ,-rather than Jesus' Way...!

* .....I don't speak of this with pride........ I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my Guide, 24/7 ...that I should at the same token also Obey 24/7, -but don't..!

* ...... I'm not trying to be strong......... I'm professing that I'm weak and need His Strength to carry on. 

I'm not bragging of success....... I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. 

I'm not claiming to be perfect......... My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. 

*.... I still 
feel the sting of pain....... I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His Name.

*.....I'm not holier 'than thou'......., I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good Grace, somehow!..... & contributing to bring about positive change by writing a 'heart-felt blogg' 

This list can continue with many more 'Christian Truths' that we (especially my 'learned friends' ) forget conveniently from time to time........

What happened to the Grace among each other, -to be accepted with forgiveness as a total person with your flaws & idiosyncrasies, -because of the person that you are, (behind the eyes)  & not because you have decided to stop constantly stroking their ego's.....?

The concept : 'True Intimate Friendship' has lost its flavor & fragrance for me, due to the many hidden agendas that have become the underlying motives that taint the long-forgotten unconditional ingredient thereof.....namely, Love
Love is always bestowed as a God-given Gift -
......freely, willingly and without expectation & it falls many a time right in your lap 
We don’t love to be loved;

we love to love…. 

My Dear Reader,....
Please, feel FREE to try on & walk in these shoes, (-if the size fits); else, just blame it as another typical example of one of my many idiosyncratic flaws........  


1 comment:

Gary said...

Good points! Thank God for His grace and mercy! We all have flaws and are sinners saved by grace.