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Sunday, August 29, 2010


Does 'freedom'mean that one is allowed to do whatever one wants to do...?

Or, on the other side of the spectrum, could we look at ALL the limiting influences, in your life that actively work against your freedom..... : 
Family genetic heritage; specific DNA; metabolic uniqueness; the quantum stuff that is going on at subatomic level, (where ONLY God is the ONLY always-present Observer) 
Or, the Intrusion of your soul's sickness that inhibits and binds you, or the Social Influences around you, or the habits that have created synaptic bonds & pathways in your brain.... Furthermore there is advertising, propaganda, & paradigms....
Inside these confluence of multi-faceted inhibitors.... 
WHAT is FREEDOM Really ?

Freedom is an incremental process...
Only 1 can set you free........ & it can NEVER be forced !
Truth can set you FREE

Truth has got a Name ....
Jesus Christ !
Everything is about Him...
Freedom is a process that happens inside a Relationship ......with HIM
.............being smack-dab in the CENTER of His 'Love
Then all that  'stuff'you feel churnin around 'inside' -will start to work its way out........

Then ......that messed-up human relationships....will also fal into place & work-out
ONLY if  Me/YOU 1st & foremost put Jesus Christ, smack-dab in the CENTER of our Love , before our Love for any human......

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